When deciding on a college its really important not to let anyone else make the decision for you. College has the potential to be the best time of your life, but it can also be the worst time. Just remember to choose the college that is right for you. I've seen a lot of my friends choose colleges because it was what their parents expected of them, or to be close to their significant other. Just know that if you make the right choice you have a higher chance at being successful, and being successful is what anyone who loves you would want for you.
I can say from personal experience that the most important thing to remember while searching for the right college is to always keep and open mind and to not instantly dismiss a school without looking into it further. When first finding out that Cedar Crest was an all women's college I was instantly ready to say "pass" and move on. However, after speaking to a representative of the school over the phone, I was convinced to take a tour of the campus. Upon my arrival I was instantly captivated-- the campus was so beautiful and the people were so sincere and helpful. A year later, I couldn't imagine being anywhere else. And now, rather than sneering at the thought, I'm proud to say that I go to an all women's college.
As for making the most of the college experience? I say be ready to try new things and step out of previously instilled comfort zones. Try out for that team, join that interesting club, take that challenging course... Without an open mind and a willingness to explore possibilities how can you ever expect to make it through life-- let alone college?
I strongly sugggest that the parents allow the student to choose the school that makes them feel the most comfortable, and do not pressure the student into attending the school that the parents want their child to go to. Students should visit a few colleges to get a good idea of the different options that are available and to look carefully into the programs that they are interested in. Although financial circumstances are extremely important in chosing a college, there are many scholarships available through various programs so no school is completely out of reach. Another suggestion for the student would be to attend classes that are in their field of interest so they can get an idea of what they will be like if they are actually attend the school. If class size is a factor, you may be able to see how small or large classes are. Previewing residence halls if living on campus is also important. The student should feel as comfortable as possible in the residence halls, it will be their home away from home. Chosing a college is not always an easy process, but their is a school out their for everyone.
You can always transfer if it doesn't feel right.
I advise students to choose the college or university that makes them feel at home when you walk onto the campus.
Look at ALL the options. Don't limit yourself with distance from home branching out is the best part about college. Surround yourself with good people and the weeks will fly by.
To make the most of your college experience, students need to visit and apply to college and universities that they feel meet all of their academic and social expectations. Don't base where you are going to school on your friends or boyfriend/girlfriend. Be open to all different types of people, because not everyone is exactly like you. I love my school, but I don't live on campus. If I were to do it all over I would live on campus to experience the real college life, and to learn how to live on my own.
My advice that I would give to parents will be first to start looking at colleges early. There are many choices of colleges so you have to make sure that your child picks the college that they will feel comfortable in and where you feel they would benefit the most. It is a big decision when it comes to the major as well, so start talking to your child about their interest of majors early. Once you have an idea of what your child wants to study for their career, then you should research colleges that focus on those majors. That is very important when you are deciding on the right college.
Students also remember that there is no rush for you to finish school. Take your time, study hard, and always enjoy life. College is very hard and requires lots of studying and lots of work so always keep focus and don't fall behind. Make friends and have study groups so you can all study together. Never give up. Sometimes you may fail, but don't let it get to you just do better next time.
Good Luck!
Start early looking into school and visit every school you are interested in. Get as much information as you can!
I fully believe that it is important to do your research. Figure out what kind of setting you would like to live in, what kind of learning atmosphere you strive best in, and what extra cirricular activities you are interested in. As for making the most of your college experience, get involved. Even if its only one club, or volunteering or just making your presence known. You'll find people with similar interests, goals, and aspirations. They can help you study, keep you focused and help you relax and have fun. Scholastically, make sure you devote enough time to your studies and distribute the time evenly. Don't focus too much on one hard subject and leave your other subjects behind. You can get lost in work too easily.