Centenary College of Louisiana Top Questions

What should every freshman at Centenary College of Louisiana know before they start?


When finding the right college, first decide what you want out of a school. Do you want to participate in sports? Do you want to be actively involved in activities on campus? Do you want more personal relationships with students and teachers? What do you want to study and what interests do you have? These questions are very helpful when choosing a school. Even though price may be an issue, there is always financial aid willing to be given to a studen wishing to enter a college. When that's covered if you want a school that has athletics or not, has plenty of non-greek activities for students, has a large or small population, and has what you want to study or not are all imortant factors in one's decision. Make sure that if you're not comfortable being far from home also plays a role in your choice of school. Being comfortable where you are is a very large factor in your academic success.


Make sure you visit the school. Seeing how students, faculty, and staff interact on a daily basis is very important. When you visit, talk to as many people that you can whether it be admissions counselors, professors, students or coaches. Walk around the campus to get a feel for what it will be like when you are a part of that school. Don't settle for a college that you don't fall in love with. When most students visit our campus, they know that they are supposed to be there because of the way they are treated by everyone they meet, the gorgeous campus, and the amazing academic quality of our programs. Once you find that college, do what you want to do. Start new organizations, join existing ones, persue a variety of academics, go to athletic and performing arts events, and take every opportunity to live each day to the fullest. Never Settle.


There must be a balance between academics and life. While college is a time of learning and preparing academically for a job or a career, college is also a time for personal development and personal growth-- college is the time to get to know you. Sometimes intense academics or constant stress about school might hinder this process.