I would tell myself to really go for it at the next level. I would tell myself that time at this institution is temporary and the benefits of an incredible library to a state recognized laboratory, will quickly disappear. I would tell myself to trust in your interpersonal nature - you will develop life long friendships in time. Do not worry about craming all social gatherings in to one, your first, semester of college - we know how well that went, don't we Mitch? ;)
I would tell myself to never pass up an opportunity to make a connection with another person. These connections, these epitomizations of what it means to be human have the potential to be life-long and bare unending fruit.
Lastly I would tell myself to embody the scope and vision of a life-long learner. Approach every lecutre with humility and a desire to do nothing but be sponge. I would tell myself to grasp the concept and knowledge that you will never be able to understand every single construct of any one subject of study. AND THAT IS GREAT! It is a journey. Work your tail off but please, park your pride and embrace the unknown.
Some people transition flawlessly from high school to college. For me, it wasn't quite so easy. When I was in high school I was involved, but I was quietly involved. I lacked a confidence that I eventually found through C
Going back in time I wouldn't tell myself anything. Everything that has happened to me has allowed me to grow in a way I could have never imagined. The course I have taken and the road I have just started to lay out infront of me make me thankful and excited for the rest of my life. Therefore, I would alter nothing. I would sit in a smokey jazz club with myself and just talk about what could be.
If I could go back in time as a high school senior, I would have taken the opportunity to learn to the best of my ability and use my skills to prepare myself for the transition. High school never required numerous hours of studying and if I could go back, I would study harder by reading, re-reading chapters, taking notes, and doing extra practice problems. The amount of time spent studying now was overwhelming as a college freshman. If I would have prepared myself senior year of high school, the adjustment would have gone smoother.
I also would advise myself to take all the opportunities I could. Tour as many colleges as you want and learn about every different aspect of each school and why their students think they are original and worth spending four years there. Make sure that you find the school that is perfect for you because it will be the pathway into the rest of your life.
I would tell my high school self to apply for more scholarships since they really do make a difference. I would tell her to worry more about my classes and less about the little things in life that are going to bring you down. I would tell her that while money is important it is not everything and you should focus on what it is that you love to do. If you love what you do then you will never work a day in your life. I would also tell her to stay strong and that you can be the writer you want to be so really listen to what your English teachers are telling you.
If I were to be granted the opportunity to go back in time and change somethings about my college experience, then I most definitely would. I would change a multitude of things such as studying harder and staying focused. I would warn myself about hanging around the wrong crowd of people and let myself know that sometimes it's best to just be alone and make the best decisions for your. I am currently a sophomore at a community college and I just had to sit out a semester due to major surgery. Now that I'm paying out of pocket for school, it actually means a lot more to me. I do not have a job and I'm struggling trying to pay. I would thoroughly warn myself not to slack off and to make the best of any given situations. Like I always tell myself, " There are plenty of people with worser situations than my own". Finally I would just constantly remind myself to just hope for the best, but to be prepared for the absolute worst. With these tips, I'm sure that I would have a new outlook towards college and that I will be successful.
I would give myself the advice to follow my heart. As a high school senior it is all overwhelming. Between applying to schools, juggling school work, and taking the ACT it is hard work. Hard work will get you to where you want to be in life. I would also advise myself to take a variety of classes to know exactly which field you will be successful. I would warn myself for the transition of living away from home and not having class all day long. It was tough to be at school when your family and friends were at home enjoying their time together, and you couldn't join in. Yet, I believe it is absolutely wonderful to get out, and explore new opportunities when they become available. I would tell myself to pick what feels right, and never look back!
Listen Rachel. College is about discovering your path in life. You are away from mom, dad, friends, and family. You get to start fresh and find what you want to learn about. College might seem hard at times, but that is alright. Everything works out. Move-in day, finals, finding friends will get a little frustrating and that is why Thirsty Thursday’s were invented! The best advice I could give you right now is to relax and take college one day at a time. Don’t make everything so stressful because it is not. Have fun!
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to stop and breathe. I was so active in high school - constantly shuffling back and forth from one activity to the next. Time managment was a hard skill for me to grasp. College has forced me to slow down and prioritize. I am still very busy with the three music groups I am involved in and my full academic schedule, but I have learned to plan and organize so I am not so overwhelmed.
I would also tell my high school self to keep caring about others more than myself. (One could say I was a bit of a pushover in high school). College has allowed me to meet lifelong friends I would do anything for. In high school, I was always so angry that I couldn't stand up for myself when the need arose. I've learned that it's okay to help others before myself. I consider this a virture now. I've learned how important all relationships are to humanity, and how important each relationship I have gained thus far is to me.
If I could go back in time and give myself advice as a high school senior, I would tell myself to study harder. I would tell myself that college is alot different from high school. No one is going to hold your hand and tell you to turn in your work. If you don't turn your work in when its due you will get a zero with out any hesitation from your intructor. I would tell myself to develop better study habits. You will do a lot of studying in college. You will be responsible for your work and all actions in college. I would tell myself to also try to be a better writer and take writing more seriously. I would like for you to work on your grammar more because, in college the instructors expect you not to make too many grammar errors. Overall I want you to push your self harder because it pays off. I know you think that you will not need to know all of things your learning to be successful. The truth is you will need to know these things to be successful and, It takes hard work to be successful.