Central College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Central College know before they start?


If I was able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to talk more and be more outgoing. When I got to college, I found it hard to meet new people because I was so shy and didn't want to talk to anyone. Another reason I would tell myself to talk more is because professors at Central College want you to talk in their classes. They want you to participate in class discussions, hence a participation grade. A grade that for me is still very low. I think that if I knew you had to speak so much in class in college I would have done that more in highschool to make the transition to college courses a lot easier.


If I could go back to my senior year and give myself one piece of advice to prepare myself for college, I would tell myself to learn good study habits. In high school I didn't have to work very hard to get good grades, which was great in high school, but when I got to college things changed. College is much more difficult and intense than high school. When I started classes here, I was still in high mode, and studying wasn't a big prioirity for me, nor did I even know how to study efficiently. After the first few tests of my college career, I realized something was definitely wrong. I learned that I needed to study a lot more and work harder in my classes to get the good grades I got in high school. I had to teach myself how to study and what study habits and study places were good for me. I have now implemented these studying strategies and have seen a definite increase in my grades and overall satisfaction with my coursework.


I would tell myself to get involved! Even as a college senior, I'm learning more and more about things going on around campus and I'm finding things every day that I wish I had been involved in for the past three years - things like SCATE, our student organization supporting sustainablity end environmental consciousness, and the steel drum band, and these things have been here all along, but where I grew up, we didn't learn about the importance of sustainability. I wish my college offered more pre-arrival support for getting involved on campus outside of sports activities.


My main advice that I would have given myself was to learn to focus on classes more. I focus enough in classes right now to pass with B's, but with higher grades might come lower stress at the end of the year. I would also tell myself to become involved in things. I have done some activities, but there have been many more that I have skipped because I have had other plans or have just not felt like going. If there has been anything that I have learned from any of the speakers that come here, it is important to get involved so that you have a great college experience.


If I could go back to being a high school senior, I would challenge myself more with classes. Taking AP classes is very easy at my school, and although I took many, I could have taken more. I also would have applied myself more during classes. Only a little more effort could have made a big difference. It would have been much easier to transition to the more difficult classes in college. I also would have taken more visits to other schools to make sure this was the right one. Although I am love going to school where I go, experiencing other schools would have been a great experience.


If I were to go back in time, I would tell myself to cherish the time with friends and family. I would tell myself that even though everyone can not wait to be out of school, to really cherish the people around you and the time you have with them. It is just as important to have enjoy oneself as much as it is to be responsible.


You are different then other students. You understand everything that every teacher has taught you and you know it. However, you lack discipline and need to focus on dedicating yourself to something when you start it. In addition to that, you need to learn to start things. Homework has always been dificult for you, but by doing the work, you really will learn the materials that much more thoroughly. Life after high school is hard, not everyone goes to college right away, and you should not either. Learn and live in the real world first. Make sure that when you go to college, you are there to learn more about yourself and not just for a career or job. Philosophy of life should always be to love wisdom and seek happiness in understanding more. Life is not simply about who gets the highest grades in school. Those who truely understand what taking pride and having meaning in ones life mean will learn to not need more than what they need to survive. Learning to appreciate greater things than material wealth and status. is truely the greatest gift life has to offer.


Reflecting on my college career and the wonderful memories I have made, there are definitely things I would have loved to have known before I began this journey. I wish I would have known that it would be hard at times, but that it will definitely be worth it in the end. Each school will explain why they think their school is the best for you, but in the end, the decision is yours alone. You can make your name anywhere and do whatever you desire when you have the drive to make it happen. Making sure you pick the right school is not nearly as important as making sure that you become the person you want to be wherever the road takes you. Although there are things that I wish I would have known before beginning my college career, I also believe that the most important part of being a college student is the continual learning and growth process. You will never know all the answers nor will you know what the future holds until you get there. The important thing to remember is that success is measured by how you spend your moments wherever you are.


If I could speak to myself as a high school senior, I would ready myself for the uncertainty that takes place rapidly in the first few weeks of college. I would let myself know that I changed my mind several times as far as what I "knew" I was going to major in, and that it was perfectly okay for me to do so. I would tell myself that the uncertainty passes, and is replaced comfortably by confidence, not a little of which is inspired by those who I would meet and befriend. I know as a senior I worried too much about the social aspect, and forgot too often that everyone else going into college would be starting fresh too. Finally I would let myself know that it is okay to stick out, stand out, and make an impact. Too much of what I did when I first came to college was limited by my tendancy to comform, to stay within the ranks, and to look to what others were doing before making my decision. These are the words I would relate to myself, all the time knowing that even if I did not listen, I would be fine.


I would go back and tell myself that college life won't be as hard as I think. It really is a fun experience. I would be sure to let myself know that impressions are key to future relationships. Along with letting myself know that no matter what happens, strive to better myself and everyone that surrounds me.