To apply to more places sooner, and to apply for more scholarships. Central is a very good school but there are other schools where I think I would have fit in better. Religion is a big part of Central and being an atheist I don't participate in many of the more involved campus activities.
I would tell myself to pick the school that felt most comfortable to me; the school that felt like it could be my new home. I would tell myself not to worry about what other people thought, that it was my decision and I need to do whats best for myself. I would tell myself to look at more options and start looking early. I would tell myself to be prepared to be uncomfortable sometimes, but being uncomfortable is the only way you grow and become a better, stronger person. I would tell myself to be prepared to be busy and start learning how to manage your time now. I would tell myself to prepare to be tired and stressed a lot, but know that in the end, its almost always worth it. I would tell myself that sometimes playing a sport makes everything more difficult, but the joy that comes from playing makes it all that much more rewarding. Most importantly, I would tell myself to prepare for some of the best memories i'll ever make and some of the best friends you will ever meet.
Do not be afraid to step outside of yourself. Learn to reach out to people and talk to them, instead of waiting for them to reach out and talk to you. Do not be afraid to talk to others about the challenges and difficulties that you are facing; chances are, others are facing them too. Do not attempt to take a full course load in your first semester. Take fewer courses and give yourself time to adjust; you can always take more credits the next semester. Most of all, do not be afraid of anything. This time of your life will be an amazing adventure-make the most of it!
I would tell myself to always stay open to any possibility. I know that it is important to keep an open mind when meeting people and when making some of the very important decisions that I have made so far in my college carreer. Also, I would tell myself that I need to take time for myself during these very important years of my life as well. School work is a main focus, but it is important not to let my school work overwhelm me. I need to live life for all it is worth and I have learned that this year. Also, take advantage of the opportunities that your college has to offer. Go to campus sponsered events, and cheer for your college teams. These experiences will only enhance your college experience.
Hey Tricia, I know your senior year is pretty tough, and you're having a hard time with all of your classes but stick with it. By taking those rigorous AP classes, you will be preparing yourself for your future college career by disciplining yourself with study time and making the extra effort to understand the material. Don't let the subjects or teachers get in the way of creating a fantastic education for yourself. Challenge yourself and you'll receive the benefits of it in college when you're faced with problems and the answers are no longer simple. However, also let yourself have a little fun. Find a balance between school, friends, and family and you'll be happier and less stressed. Your friends and family will provide the outlet for you when school gets difficult. Most importantly, though, is to know your strengths and weaknesses and how to adjust yourself when new situations occur. In college, you will be faced with unknowns and hardships, and by learning how to use your strengths you can make up for your weaknesses and have an awesome college career. Sincerely, Yourself One Year From Now
Time management is something that I wished I would have known to handle. My freshman year, I just didn't know how to mange my time wisely. Another thing that I wish I would have know were all the different resources out that there that could helped. Like the tutors that they offer and also the professors with there open door policy. Which means you can go to their office at anytime they are there and they will be more than welcome to answer any of your questions.
If I could go back in time I wouldn't change too much because the experiences I have had have been great and I wouldn't be who I am now without them. I would have liked to be a little more prepared with taking tests. Some of the study guides for tests that I have used have been very frustraiting and I didn't do as well as I would have liked early on but as a freshman sometimes you have to learn the hard way. I now know what I need to do to do well and have picked up some great study skills along the way. I am more confident after being in colllege for about 3 months and know that I can do it as long as I apply the skills that I have acquired thus far. I have my goals for the future and am ready to go after it. Speaking of going after it, I better cut this essay short, I need to study!
If i had the chance to go back and talk to myself about college I would go and tell myself to work harder. Try and work harder to get better scholarships so you would not have to go and work your way through college like I am doing now. Everything that you did in high school you should do your best. Keep notes stay awake in class. It wil pay off big in the end. Learn to study better, knowing that tests are going to be a big part of your grade. I think I would also tell myself to listen to your parents. Even though they did not go to college themselves they know what they are talking about.
If I can turn back time, I wish I were more involved in school activities. Even though I was selected as part of National Council on Youth Leadership , I felt that I could of done more community service to make my society a safer and healthier place.
I would tell myself to be prepared for a life changeing experience. College is where I have found myself, and althought it has not always been easy, it has always been worth it. I would tell myself to stick it out no matter how badly I ever just want to quit and give up. The sense of self and accomplishment are well worth the effort it takes to find them.