Central College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Central College know before they start?


Please, for the love of God, study more. Learn how to study. Learn how to focus on homework for longer than 20 minutes. You're doing fine, but your freshman and early sophomore years are going to be not fun. Your junior year is going to go well, but that's cause you're fully into things. Save up some money because you'll be going on a trip to Costa Rica for a class and it would be nice to have more money in the savings than you will. Take more online classes offered at the high school--don't worry about them transferring in as anything, just think about the hours. Other than that, keep hanging out with your friends because they're fantastic and will help you keep your sanity even though none of them are going to Central. It's all worth it.


Listen up, you know all those times your teachers have told you that you won't be able to get away with that massive case of procrastination you have? Guess what, they were right. You really need to start working out those terrible habits you have of cramming the moment before a test and starting those six-page papers at 11 at night. Yeah, you might be able to squeak by with it once or twice at first but it wears on you. As a human, you need sleep and at college you'll begin to realize just how true that really is. Balancing your life between tennis, schoolwork, and a social life takes a lot of energy and there's no better way to recharge your batteries than with a solid night's sleep. So as you get ready to go wherever your college search takes you, keep this in mind- space out your studying, don't put off your papers, and sleep when you can, your body and college experience will thank you.


Be patient and open to new experiences. The future is full of opportunities that you need to see.


Don't focus so much on the money issue, and don't base everything on the idea of playing a sport. Almost every college student is going to have debt, so matter where you go, it's the people, school, and your making of your own self identity that will mold you into the person you will be. Focusing on money is worthless when you're ignoring the fundamental facts about the college yourself. Opportunites will arise later on for you to get different scholarships or find a way to pay of your debt. Also, remember that football isn't everything. That's why playing Division III football is unique. Don't go for the Division I walk on position when there is a group of awesome guys playing the sport, with no scholarships, and doing very well record wise. Finally, remember to keep in touch with your parents more. They were the ones who raised you and helped you get into college, just remember to keeping loving them and let them into your life and all that you are doing at the college you choose!


If I could go back in time and give myself a few pointers as a high school senior, I would make sure to stress the importance of turning in quality homework. Procrastination is a terrible habit to get into and never pays off--even though you may get your work done. If you want to truly learn, not just be indoctrinated, you have to be willing to put forth your best effort, even concerning small assignments. Rushing through homework to receive a good grade may not sound horrible, but in college, the learning that takes place, and not solely the grades you receive, is most important. Make sure to speak up in class, ask questions, and truly think about what you are reading and writing about, even if it does not interest you. If you go the extra mile, you will see success.


I would tell myself to take as many dual credit classes as I could. Not only would I save money and time in College, but also I would have been better prepared. Though I did come in with a good amount, I would like to have taken so more. Also I would tell myself not to worry about making friends. It will come in time, just enjoy the experience while it is here.


Time management is critical. Get involved, but don't overwhelm youself. You need to find that balance between school and a social life. Enjoy college - get to know people, step outside of your comfort zone, try something completely new. These are the best years of your life!


It isn't all about the grades, the major, or the classes. It's about the experience and the things you learn along the way.


Stop and breathe. Everything will work out and you can get through this confusing time in your life. Enjoy the time that is stress free after deciding what school to go to in the fall. College life is full of choices, get used to it. Being on your own without family is hard, but better for you in the long run. It gives you the chance to be yourself and to find who you are as a person. Change is good, being at home for eighteen years has lessened your ability to expand horizons, college helps you to see the whole world with a new perspective. It's enjoyable and it's one of the best things you will do with your life. Find your identity and follow your deams.


Choose the hard classes, they will prepare you for college courses.