I would advise myself to look at all different types of options both big and small schools and focus on what each school is well known for. It is not necessary to know exactly what you want to do what your life right away but you should have a good idea of what opportunities each school will give you to excel beyond the academic classroom.
As a high school senior, I did very little work to achieve my grades. I did not know how to study because I never needed to. This caused problems for me as I entered college because I did not know how to prepare for exams. If I could talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to start taking an active interest in my education. Instead of just memorizing and cramming for tests, I would want to actually learn the material so that it would not be so hard to do so when I entered college. I would also tell myself to become more involved and meet new people. I always thought I was fine with just the friends I already had. While I do enjoy the company of my old high school friends, I love all the new friends I have made. I wish I had branched out more as a freshman to enjoy more time with these new friends and others.
Don't fret too much as a senior. Everything will fall into place better than you could have ever imagined. The transition to college life is easy. Most new freshman is in the same boat as you. Everyone is looking for new friends and trying to fit in. Don't bring as much "stuff" as you are tempted to. You just don't need it all. Make sure you are open to meeting more people and always have your door open. People will stop by and you'll make friends in a heartbeat. College is hard, but if you work hard you'll make it through. Don't be afraid to go to the tutors when you need them or ask a friend to study with you. Many times it is nice to talk about things to better understand them. As much as you are tempted to go home on the weekend, stay here. Many of the friendships you have will be made on the weekends when you aren't stressed about school. Being at college is one of the best experiences ever. Make the most of it.
When I first came to school I was nervous because I didn't know many people that attended my school. I was never a shy person in high school but the thought of meeting new people all over again made me nervouse but excited at the same time. My advice about this is don't be nervous, come to school with an open mind of meeting new people and not being afraid to step out of your comfort zone. If you haven't shared a room with someone else, living in the dorms with another person might be a difficult transition but I have really learned to talk about concerns and issues that I have. Being open and honest with yourself and others makes transitions a lot easier. Don't stress about the little things, and have fun!
I think I would advise myself to not hold on so tightly to the past. When I came to college I had my mind set that I was going to keep in contact with all my friends and hold on to all of my relationships from high school. I think that keeping up with your friends from high school is a very important thing, don't get me wrong, but not all of your relationships. It's good to know who you are and where you are coming from but at the same time, in order to fully embrace this new phase of your life you have to loosen the grip on some things that might be holding you back. If I would have had that mindset coming into college, I believe the transition would have been a lot smoother.
I would advise myself to try harder to meet people and be active. Not all the groups on campus seem very interesting or like something I would like, but they are a great way to meet new people. Its alot easier when you have many good friends than just a few good friends. Its also easier to make friends at the beginning of your first year than later in your college career because by then people already have their main group of friends. College is alot easier if you have a lare support system than a small one.
My advice to myself would be to not worry about a thing. Although transitioning into college life (becoming independent, living away from home, and in a different surrounding) can be scary, there is nothing to worry about! There are people who have dedicated themselves to make college life, and transitioning to the extreme changes that come with it, there main objective. It is only natural to fear the unknown, especially when it comes at a pivotal moment in our lives, for what we learn, who we meet, and what we do in college will shape us and our futures. College is really the best time our a person's life; you are your own boss, but with that comes the weight of increased responsibility. By balancing personal life and time with friends with studying and classes, time at college will be a breeze and you will find yourself having the greatest time you could possibly have!
As a high school senior, I imagined college to be much like high school. I wouldn't have much homework or studying to do. I was completely off base. I would tell myself to be prepared to do A LOT of reading every night. Professors expect more of their students, and many classes are based solely on the reading done outside of class. Granted, freshman year was easier than sophomore is now, because there was much less reading required. Classes taken freshman year are based more on lectures and notes taken in class. But as the years progress, professors will expect more of their students.
Secondly, I would tell myself to be prepared to feel homesick, and feeling homesick is normal. When I was a freshman last year, I felt homesick throughout my first semester! I honestly thought I was the only one who felt this way, but I found out that they felt the same way. I gradually accepted the fact that it was okay to cry at night, that it's an emotion many college freshman experience. Transitioning from high school to college life gets easier as you meet new people and set a routine.
If I were to go back and talk to myself in high school I would just say relax and everything is going to be alright! I was like most high school seniors, I was worried about college classes, making friends, and being away from home, but college has turned out to be one of the best times of my life! I really would not change much about my transition from high school to college, I feel like it went as smooth as it possibly could. A big part of that was coming from a big high school, coming somewhere as friendly and welcoming as Central College, and also having a great support system of friends and family. The biggest piece of advice that I can give someone who is about to enter college is to get involved. Leave your room and go out and meet people! Have fun and most importantly remember that college only comes once in life so you might as well enjoy it while you're there!
Take advantage of everything that you can. The school wants you to succeed and they will do whatever it takes to get you where you want to go. Don't be scared and relax. You are going to have the time of your life meeting new people who will change your life forever. Also, don't forget to call mom every weekend, she is going to miss you.