Chaffey College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Chaffey College know before they start?


When I was in high school, I thought I knew it all. I didn't take much advice that I was offered by my parents or other adults. Many would call me somewhat arrogant. I have always been talented in mathematics and science classes. I refused to listen to the adults who knew more than me at the time. I thought I could do it on my own, and for several years I did. I graduated highschool with a low GPA. Instead of attending a community college after high school like was adviced to do so I went into the work force. I suffered from a self diagnosed illness I call premature affluence, it basically means I made too much money at a young age and beleived I had the ability to walk on water. I soon found out I could not walk on water and began to sink. The treatment for my condition is called life and it was painful. Six years after graduating from high school I have found myself finally taking the advice all of the loving, caring, knowledgible adults had given me. Focus on school, sacrifice is temporary, regret lasts a life time.


Please have more faith in your personal and academic abilities. You don't realize how detrimental self doubt is to you. By maintaining such a low view of yourself, you're creating a mindset of immobilizing fear. The anxiousness you feel about the future is beyond average and unprecendented. Please look for advice outside of school about practical matters such as financial aid, aspects about college you would value, JC versus a 4 year university, and so on. You do not have to be the best or worry about getting the "best" information. An "all or nothing" mindset is hindering you from trying at all from reaching your full potential. Talent and intelligence mean nothing if you are unproductive. If indecision persists, at least focus enough in academics that you do not stray. Be much more active in your passions; weave them into your extra curriculars and find others who share your passions. Do not be afraid to grow because high school is a bubble better popped. Life is about self exploration and the moment you graduate, you'll see how beautiful life really is. So please, have more faith in your personal abilities.


The most important thing in high school is to get the most out of the experience. all the classes that you could take and benefit form buy doing your very best would of changed the way that you college experience panned out. In high school all of you classes are free and easy; with one year the classes go to twice as hard and cost upwards of three hundred dollars for a cheap community college class. if you think a class was bad in high school imagine it when you need the same class with all the outer problems piled onto them.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to start saving money. I've always had great study habits and a drive to learn, but I've also been terrible with money. I'm glad I waited to go to college until I figured out what exactly I wanted to do, but college is also very expensive and I'm going to be living in poverty while studying. I wish I would have started saving when I got my first job.


Be sure its what you want, never regret your choices, colllege is a really important life tranaction. Money mangament is important and its okay to be worry about classes but never forget to have fun! You will meet new people who you connect with so its okay to be alone for a while until you find those people who help you see the good in yourself. Sorry for sounding cheesy.


Congratulations, you are about to graduate high school, and begin your freshman year as a college student; you have worked so hard to get to this point so you can’t stop now. However, it is very important that you become a responsible student. First, to succeed in college ask questions whether you think it is a stupid question or not. Second, get your math and English classes out of the way, it is much easier and you will regret waiting later on. Third, educate and take advantage of the assistance given on campus such as: the library, success centers, math tutors, and EOPS programs. Fourth, in order to succeed in your classes, you must first attend and be present; chances are even if you did not study so well, but attended class everyday you will still do well on the test. Lastly, the most important thing to remember in order to succeed in college is to just do the work, it is so simple yet many disregard this aspect when it comes to college courses and wind up failing there classes. Stay focused and follow these simple guidelines, and I promise that you will succeed in college next year.


These final decisions that you make as a senior in high school will shape the rest of your life. You may not know it now, but the rest of your life has already begun. Keep your head in the books. Know your goals and keep your mind set. Stop worrying about what your friends are doing. After graduation, you will realize that high school friendships meant nothing, and you are in this cold world left alone to survive on your own. I am not saying that it is going to be hard, but it is definitely not going to be a slice of cake. Keep your eyes on the prize. Be proud of who you are and don't change for anyone. You have the world in your hands. Do something remarkable with all of the amazing abilities that God has blessed you with.


If i could go back to in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that its time to get serious. College is way different than high school. In high school they are very strict and hard on you becouse they want to see you become successful. In college they can care less if you show up to class. Now its the time to apply for scholarships so that you don't have to worry about paying for school. Make sure that you study hard and get the best grades possible so that colleges can see you are a hard worker and want you to go to their school. When you do apply for scholarships, have a few of your teachers and possibly your counsler look over your essays. The better your essays the better chance you have of winning scholarships. Don't slack off and give up. Work hard the whole senior year and stay focused. The transition from high school to college will be a big change in your life. As long as you believe in yourself you should be fine at achieving your goals. Good luck in college.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to take advantage of my summer to figure out what it is I would be interested as a future career and decide which major it is I would want to pursue, so that by the time I start college I will already know what is that I want to do so I can have a plan and not be in school for so many years. I think if a high school senior knows what it is that they want to do immediately after they graduate then they will most likely finish school in a shorter time so that they can begin earning their own living and not feel like they are wasting their time because they do not know what it is they want to do for the rest of their lives. Many students who do not know what it is they want to do will feel overwhelmed and feel like they should just quit and that is not a good thing in today's world because having a degree is important to have a well paid job.


Stay forcus and plan daily to accoplish your academic goal,