Chaffey College Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing that chaffey college is the help that it offered the students. chaffey college has several programs running which is free tutoring for all class types. these program have been extremely helpful to me during my first year.


The best thing about the school were the professors. Many students might not even mention their professors but I have always had really great professors and the ones that I had at Chaffey College were great they showed that they not only enjoyed teaching but they also cared about their students and wanted to help their students in any way they could so all their students would be successful. Also, the counselors that Chaffey has are great they are so helpful with formation and they just encourage you to continue no matter if you have been struggling with classes.


I consider the best thing about my school is that by going there I'm saving money on tuition instead of going to a Cal State or University for all four years.


At Chaffey College there are several advantages of attending this particular community college. The most valuable advantage this campus offers is the diverse programs of study with interested and involved professors, aiming to see you as a student succeed mentally and personally.