Choosing a college is more than just about academics. When looking for colleges, make sure you know what kind of learner you are and in what environment you work best. Everyone learns best and trys their hardest when they are happy with and motivated by their surroundings. Just choosing a school for its name and location can lead you to decide to transfer, or even drop-out. Visit the campus! If there is someone from your high school that attends this school, ask the administration to forward you their contact information and find out about the school from someone actually attending it. Another important part of choosing a school is knowing what you are interested in and focusing on schools that represent your interest the most strongly. Sometimes you need to take a chance and go to a city, or even state, outside your comfort zone to find the school that is your perfect fit.
The most important thing about college is about finding a school that fits you and your needs, academically and socially, rather than trying to find a school that other people will be impressed by. Remember, you will be there for four years!
Finding the right college is definitely not finding the most prestigious, well-known college. I have found that coming from international parents. Everybody has different values that they look for in a school, and finding the right college is about finding the perfect balance of those values. To me, I wanted a college that would help me in my dream of being a cinematographer but also has a variety of extracurricular activities and has a very friendly, constructive, open social environment, and I have found that Chapman University offers all of that and has exceeded my expectations. College is a once in a lifetime experience where students transition into the real world. Throughout my college career I have lived by these words: no regrets. I try to make the best out of my college experience by really involving myself in what is important to me. Studies, internships, and friends are all an important part of my college life, and I believe that balancing these different pieces of my college life are important. My advice to prospective students is to study hard and play hard but always keep your goals and your priorities close to your heart.
Choose an area that you know you'll love. If you like snow choose somewhere where you can frequently ski, or if you love the beach choose a place that has warm weather most of the year. Being in an environment that you love really helps with your learning experience because you are more comfortable.
Make sure you go to the college and visit it before you choose. Take a tour, talk to students, hang out and feel the college out to see if it feels right for you. Look at the program you want to do and look at the classes in that program. See if those classes interest you. Take time to choose your school, it is one of the most important choices you will make, you will meet lifelong friends and could find the job that will start your career, so choose wisely!
Make sure that it is a University or educational campus where one will be happy for the four years that they will be attending. Take advantage of the opportunities that are available for you to use at your University for they will help you do well in the end. Make sure that you get involved with activities on campus for they will enhance your experience. The networking and connections that are made in College are key to getting a position in a field which you are interested in and not only that, they make for lifelong friends both business and social. These are the best 4 years of your life, take advantage of them and get the most out of them that you can.
Students need to make choices for themselves instead of looking for places that their parents or friends might like. College only happens once, and although you might have fun with all your old friends, you will have a lot more fun making new friends and being at a college that is a perfect fit for you. Look for elements such as class size, teacher accessibility, and popular majors to try and determine what is best. College prepares you for the rest of your life, so don't make a cursory decision and really think about where you want to go- it could be the best decisions you'll ever make.
Finding the right college is a wierd concept. I think that the right college sometimes finds you, and leads you to places where you didn't expect to end up. I didn't plan on ending up on the West Coast, especially not in California, but I love where I am. When looking for a college look at your passions. Pick a place where you can change what you want to do from one passion to the other and aren't going to be penalized for it. Know yourself, don't look at a huge school if you don't like being in a crowd and just another face. Look at what you love and look at where you can grow, then go there, enjoy yourself, and smile. School should make you happy, no matter where you are, everything else will fall into place, and no matter what, you will find great teachers and students.
Definitely take your time and look around at a variety of schools. Don'tbase your decision on the fact that you're afraid to leave home. Explore your options. Go for a school that will give you decent financial aid, and keep your high school grades up so they will be more willing to do so.
Visit the college beforehand and ask questions while there. When the decision is made, get involved. Don't just be a student, be a member of the college community.
Do your research and find the best college for you.