Make sure you visit the school, get as much information you need. Spend the night in the town or in the dorms to get the best idea. Save as much money as possible so the student can spend most of their time studying and attending classes, getting enough sleep, and staying healthy, instead of worrying about working. Parents- stay up to date on students. Continually ask how they are, stay interested, and always encourage them.
Before choosing a college go out and explore all the possiblilities that are available. Then narrow it down to what your needs and requirements are to get the best education and experience for your child. Some people prefer big schools like UCLA or USC, where you're a number and no one know's who you are; or others may want to go to a small private school where everyone know's who you are? Regardless, of the school and it's size each college has many different characteristics. The bottom line is, whatever college you or anyone else chooses, you are very lucky to be in that postion because three percent of the world graduates high school, and less than one percent are even given the chance to persue higher education.
Make sure it is the college that you could stay at no matter what the circumstances are. And that you feel you could have the best interaction with, with the best possible education opportunities.
First choose where you want to go to college based on how good it is for your major.
After that, choose based on where you feel comfortable because having a fun time is all part of the college experience to make it all a dream come true.
When it comes to picking the right college, it just has to be about what feels comfortable. Ultimately, a big name or fancy location doesn't matter--it's about how the school speaks to you. Don't be too turned off by what you read in college guides. The individual person creates their own experience, regardless of whether the school has a lot of heavy partying or is seen as a "nerd" school. The college experience can be a lot less about where you go than who you are. You don't always need to go far from home. It can be nice, but basically no matter who you are, you're going to get a little homesick at some point during the first month, and it's nice to have a reliable support system that isn't 3,000 miles away. College is an experience than can't be duplicated for any two people, and you want to choose what's right for you, not for your parents or boyfriend. You want a school where you can be comfortable and at home, and most importantly: a school where you can be yourself.
let the student decide what they think will best fit them. anywhere you end up you wil be fine and if not then many students transfer out
The first thing I would suggest is that the parents and the students take the time to figure out if they are actually ready to go to college. It seems to be a trend to just go to college right after high school but I don't believe this to necessarily be the best course of action. Perhaps some time off from school would be beneficial for students to help them grasp what exactly living on your own means or to help them get a larger perspective. Then again college can be a good learning experience and can serve as a good launching pad for living real life, if you make wise decisions. You should go to school in an area of the country that interests you, or somewhere you know you'll feel comfortable. Meet as many people as you can as these can be your friends for life and future contacts for job opportunities. Do your best to seek out the best teachers on campus, the ones that will revolutionize your way of thinking and encourage you to do your best. Don't waste your time with silly things too often.
Although location and recreational interests may be a big part of your decision-making, make sure to focus on your major, the financial aid package, and where you want to see yourself/what kind of person you want to be after dedicating 4 years of study to a certain school. Branch out, and don't be afraid to live somewhere far away from your home. It's all about the learning experience, whether it is academically, physically, mentally, emotionally, etc.
To students and parents I would emphasize communication. My parents pushed me toward the school that offered me the most money (University of Redlands, where I attended my Freshman year) and I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do, so I went there. Ultimately I was very unhappy because a lot of my friends were in the Orange County area and the community at Redlands just wasn't for me. I could have gone pretty much anywhere I wanted and I should have considered what program would have given me a bigger chance to explore my options, but money talks.
Above all be concerned about what you would like to get out of college, not the money. If you get out of college with the knowledge you desire to apply to your career, then those student loans will get paid. Also, don't be afraid to take risks and try new things. If you're not enjoying what you're studying, then study something else. College gives you that opportunity, and you should take it.
Any school you go to will be a great school. It all depends on your academic and financial needs and whether that college can help you in those areas. You also want to be academically challenged and pushed to a level that will make you career-successful.