I would yell at myself about the need to do homework even if I can get away with not doing it. Phenomenal test scores don't really do much good when your overall grade has dropped a letter grade or two from not turning homework in. I would tell myself to invest a good bit of time in sports and extracurricular activities instead of trying to get a minimum wage job as soon as I am old enough. I would also tell myself that if I give it my best and for some reason still don't have the grades to get good scholarships, to take my military training very seriously.
If it were possible to advise myself as a high school senior, the first thing I would do is encourage myself to go away to school rather than attending a local school. For many teens the idea of moving away from family and being on their own is scary but college is a time of exploration, learning and personal growth. Facing those fears and going somewhere new lets the student reinvent themselves and make a clean break from bad habits or obstacles they may have had in high school.
I feel that it is important for a high school graduate to go to college as soon as possible. Many people want to take time off from school and enjoy themselves once they have high school behind them. I have seen too many young people make this decision only to regret it later. They watch their friends graduate and move on to new careers, making more money and having more choices while they are still working for an hourly wage and taking on ever increasing responsibilities and start feeling trapped and too busy to go back to school. College will do more for a young person than anything else ever will.
I would tell myself that college isn?t as scary as it sounds. All through high school, I absolutely dreaded the college and scholarship application process, not to mention how scary actually attending college sounded to me. I was absolutely terrified of leaving my high school and entering a college environment. It was especially scary for me because I was coming from an all-girls school and I was worried that having boys in class would distract me. But the truth is, boys in college classes aren?t boys, they?re just classmates. They stop being boys when they walk in the door to the classroom. College isn?t a big scary monster. It?s actually a lot like high school. I still sit in the front, speak up in class and study for hours on end. But it?s not unmanageable and it?s actually really fun. I guess what I would say, then, is. ?Relax, Kelsey. You can do this.?
Put more effort into school work. That factory waiting on you isn't all peaches and cream. You may think you know everything but you don't. Your daughter will have alot better future if you will just stick to it. Everyone is dealed a different hand in life what matters is how you play your cards.( make the best out of every situation) knowledge is power
I know how badly you want to quit want to throw in your towel and crawl out of the ring. You can do that, sure. But think about this: you're going to want to fight again. You're going to want to prove to yourself that you CAN win. If you quit now, it just makes it that much harder to get back in the ring. If you persevere and you keep going, then nothing can stop you. I know that you've been given enough ability to excel at anything you choose to do, but don't waste your time. Look at me! I'm going to be thirty years by the time I finish my bachelor's degree, because I quit. Just like you want to. Trust me on this: that is the worst mistake you will ever make. Keep fighting. Keep carrying the torch, and you'll reach any goal you set out for yourself. When you get to college, you will see that what you wanted to leave had nothing to do with what you were learning. You'll find that you never want to stop learning. So don't.
Study hard and don't wait to go to college is a lot harder at an older age. You have to work twice as hard to learn than you do at 16.
I would tell myself to have a plan ready, to make sure I don't wast time and money on not knowing what I want to do in life.
I would tell myself to focus more on what is good for your future instead of what pleases you now. I would tell my self to apply everything you have will learn, because it will all come back at one time or another. I would lastly tell myself to not play around at school so much, and be school-oriented, instead of being something I am not.
Making the transition was easy, but personally, I would work on my procrastination because it still manifests itself today. I also know that I can do anything I put my mind to but I often get down on myself because I fell like I can do better. I should have taught myself that in high school and not to be lazy minded.