If I could go back to talk to my high school senior self, I would probably first slap me and say, "Get better grades!"
It's true; I didn't apply myself as well as I should have in high school. I wasn?t a bad student but I wasn?t as good as I could have been either. I would tell me that the path I took after graduating was a good one, waiting until I was 25 to go to school because otherwise I may not have met my wife and had our awesome little boy. I would tell me that it is harder to go to school full-time while trying to provide for a family, but it is worth it because it gives you a focus and determination that most likely wouldn't have been there when going to college right out of high school. I would tell me that the life experiences I would have will solidly determine what I want to go to school for, and I wouldn't waste time on constantly switching majors. With that information conveyed to the past me, I would ask for the nearest time-portal home.
If i could go back and give myself advice about college i would definately say Be Organized! make sure to keep all your classes in seperate folders and buy a planner in which you can write down due dates, assignments, and everything else you need for that class. Second advice is to sit in the front of the class! when you sit in the front teachers have more eye contact with you and when you have questions they can see you when you raise your hand. You participate more in class and you have an advantage of not getting distracted too easily. Listen to the teachers methods of doing things! when a teacher is explaining how to do a certain problem you need to listen so later you wont have to be asking anyone else what the teacher said in class. Last piece of advice is to Try you best and make sure to give your best to passing your classes. Dont think later that you could have tried harder for a class you didnt pass, just do it. College is not high school when allyou think about is friends its about your future!
If I could Go back in time I would tell myself to work harder and pay attention becouse what i learned in high school could have been used in college and it would have been easeir.
If I could go back in time and tell my high school self any advise I would tell myself only two things, everything else I have learned I would want myself to learn the same way as I did. Of the two pieces of advice I would like to tell myself is one, take physics in high school and do good at it to save myself some time, and the second piece of advise is to decide between those two major possibilities before going to college other wise it will mess me up and make thing harder and longer for me. Other than those two pieces of advise I have nothing else I would want to say, its better to figure things out as you go than to experience no difficulties at all.
My best words of advise would be, "If you don't use it you loose it. " I waited ten years to go back to school and now looking back, I wonder where I would be now, had I not waited. I think it is important for highschool students to realize that the future does not begin once you graduate from high school. The future starts while you are still in high school. Skills learned while in high school ultamately lay the foundation for the path through college. It is important for students to understand how much easyer thier journey through college can be with a little thought and planning while they are still in high school. Students can use the last years of high school to explore who they are and what thier interests and skills are . Some high school even offer classes that allow students to earn college credits while still in high school.
It makes a huge difference when a student has set goals, and has thought about how thier choices while in still in high school can. The future begins in high school. Why wait untill you graduate to explore the possibilitys for the future.
If I could go back in time to give my self advice when I was in high school I would have told my self to apply to for as many scholarships as I could, also to save up my money for books and classes. I would also have told myself to study for tests to be prepared to take tests in college because tests in college are a big factor in your grade.
To always make time for homework. Trying to crame it in at the last minute sucks. Also meet as many people you can. Some of my best friends have come college.