Citadel Military College of South Carolina Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Citadel Military College of South Carolina?


A person that wants to attend The Citadel is going to have to have veriaty of differnt characteristics. To excel at the Citadel one must bet tough. Not just physically but mentally as well. Also one need to be honorable and have integrity. Not every one must have these traits because the Citadel will instill values such as a sense of duty, disipline and moral courage. With the schools Honor Code every person that comes to the Citadel will be held to a higher standard and looked up to in regards of the honor code.


A person with a mentallity that can withstand a very mental and physically strenuous first year. Also the person should be in somewhat decent physical condition.


In order to attend this school, a person must be mentally strong and able to endure hardship.


One who is dedicated to the school and what it stands for and someone who has excellent time management because remember this is a military college.


Someone who is phsically tough and mentally tough. You have to 'want to be here' in order to stay. It's not meant for everyone. You have to be a hard worker who works well under pressure.


Somebody who is humble and can take criticism but also extremely confident.


Motivate, patriotic, conservative white male


Highly motivated indaviduals with determation and a disier to come here


Someone who either wishes to go into the military after graduation, or feels that a very structured environment would best suit their needs for study. Someone who wishes to build close cameraderie with their classmates and enjoy a bond that not many other graduates from other institutions can say they share.


People who want to attend The Citadel should be people who are focused and drivin individuals. Individuals who are willing to sacrifice a typical college experience with a very physically and mentally challenging one. Someone who can tolorate a complete academic year of limited freedom, little sleep, and the everyday intensity that The Citadel demands; All while being engulfed by 167 years of tradition.