My school is a school of very intelligent individuals . It is filled with very created and positive students who enjoy learning .
Attending Clark Atlanta University you learn about the history of African Americans that you never learned in highschool or in your community. Entering Clark Atlanta University first semester I learned so much about my history that I was never taught in school or taught through the elders in my family. I was able to go back home in December and share what I have learned with others like friends and family members and surprisingly they were englightened by the information they learned from me because being older or younger than me they never knew these facts about their history.
When I brag on CAU to my friends that attend other universities, I brag on our communications program and the networking I will receive here in Atlanta Georgia. I brag of the pride that my school posses and I brag on the Atlanta University Center. There is no other place in the world like it. You get to meet so many people from all over the world all, set up in one place to attend 5 colleges and universities and we learn oppulent amounts of different cultures and ethnicties.
There's alot to brag about. I brag the celebraties that come and I also brag about how I like my schedules and classes.
There is always something to do, there is never a dull moment. With Atlanta being one of the biggest city's and Clark Atlanta being an HBCU I have a lot of fun. Also the teaching that comes from the teachers, they really work hard for their students and they help in every way possible. They teach things that are relavent to today and things that I can use in everyday life. I feel comfortable talking with them about school work and even my personal life.
I brag the most about on campus activities.
I brag that I'm really finding myself their, being away from home is really helping me to mature and depend on myself and not be so selfish when it comes to my parents. I also brag that im in an EXCELLENT business program and that it will only take me 5 years to receive my Masters in Accounting.
I mostly brag that is an great university. Also Clark Atlanta University has always been on the top of my list of prospective colleges due to their great Computer Science programs, outstanding faculty, beautiful campus, and affordability among many things. That thier campus is very large with many student activites.
cau is in the heart of the city of atlanta right in the midst of downtown, there is a strong community and a family like setting
My experience at Clark Atlanta University was incredible. Academically, almost all of my professors really cared about each and ever one of thier students and assited us in any way they were able, sometimes even going up and beyond the call of duty. My professors also pushed me to do my very best and because of that I have learned to do the very same in all that I do, weather it is work, home school my son, or just home management. I will always me greatful for the suppor, encouragement and education I recieved at Clark Atlanta University (CAU).