Clark Atlanta University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Clark Atlanta University?


The Diversity and the weather, parties, greek life, bands, choirs, social life, etc. I love my school. its the best experience for me.


When I tell people about my school I let them know that it is a Historically Black College Uiversity. I tell them that my teachers a very easy to get along with and my professors are the best and they want the best for you also.


i often talk about the people at the school, and how everone is so ice and friendly. i also talk about ll the history and historical events that happen at the school. There also a lot of greek life and school aticites that i like to participate in. when talking aboutthe school i like to talk about my classes as well and how interesting thy are.


That my teachers are willing to help me if I am willing to learn. They are excited to see students who work hard, they don't like students who just come to class to sleep.


When telling my friends about my school, I brag mostly about the availibilty of resources and information. I see at my school limitless supplies of academic jewels that will practically guarantee success, when correctly LEARNED and APPLIED. Clark is full of wise, educated staff members and teachers, and is located in a city that exists as an everyday reminder that the first step to lifelong happiness and success is indeed the first step into a collegiate learning environment.


The Mass Comm department is one of the best in the country. There is a Mac lab available to the students when needed. Workshops are given weekly on Final CutPro and PhotoShop for free, you just have to be a student in the Atlanta University Center (AUC). Even though Spike Lee graduated from Morehouse College he took his major classes at Clark Atlanta in the Mass Comm Dept.


When bragging to my friends, I tell them about the boy to girl ratio, social life, and the good weather.


When I tell my friends about my school, I brag most about the smaller teacher to student ratios compared to other institutions I have visited. I also brag about the close relationships I make with my professors and the ability to go to someone on campus who seems to care when I need help. Diversity is another major asset that I brag about my university. There are different ethnic groups and people from all over the world that I get to meet on campus, thus providing me with the opportunity to deal with people who aren't just like me.


When I brag about my school mostly I talk about how there are many opportunities that my school provides for me. Such as study abroad, internships,work study etc. I know that once I graduate in 2013 I will have a job. I also am looking forward to studying abroad. I would like to study in a foreign country such as london, or China. This is what I like most about my institution.


I like to tell my friends about how my teachers know me by my first name and honestly know me as a person not a number or anything else.