The best feature of the school is the faculty. While they may not be world renown, they sincerely care about the students and will sacrifice so much to ensure our advancement.
The professors are wonderful. They deeply care about students and want them to succeed. They push them to do their best, and they help students who struggle. They even take extra time outside of class to help if needed. Professors are very flexible and willing to work with students under certain circumstances. Professors eat with students and do extracurricular things with students to get to know them better.
The staff/faculty/professors truly love their students & have an enormous love for God. They are all bright, talented, outstanding individuals, and it is incredible to see how much time they take to personally get to know students. They actually treat me like a real human being--which I was not used to while attending a previous college.
The most important thing to me about my school is the true care and attention given to the students by teachers and proffessors and coaches. At Baptist Bible College the faculty form relationships with the students to not only help with class related material, but also to give advice on how to handle different situations and circumstances in life as we seek to honor and glorify God. They pray for us, work with us, encourage us, and are always seeking how to become better educators through feedback and also learning thier own lessons in thier personal walks with Christ.
The ability to be able to learn more about yourself and your relationship with God.
Throughout my years that I have attended here, I have learned so much about myself. Things that I never thought that I could do, or that I could ever improve on. Also I have learned more about God and His love for me and what I have to do to keep my focus on Him.
Everyone is extremely helpful, informative, and giving. It is easy to feel loved and accepted!
The attitudes and character of all of the people here. At a lot of big universities there is a lot of pressure to do things that are not right and get yourself in trouble. That pressure is not really here. The atmosphere is very encouraging and students help each other grow both academically and spiritually. Its cool how most everyone wants to live their lives to please God.
I love the facuilt and staff at the school, because they are always willing to interact and to help in anyway possible.
I think the best thing about Baptist Bible College is the friendly and warm enviorment that is created by the staff, faculaty, and the students that attend the school. I personally also enjoy the dorm life, I am sure that the people that I live with in the dorm will be life long friends no matter where my job leads.
Baptist Bible College & Seminary is a school that focuses on preparing and equipping students to be strong leaders in their communities for ministry. That kind of focus is what I need for my future vocation.