Clarkson University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Clarkson University know before they start?


Keep your mind open to new ideas. Most importantly, make the most out of every opportunity that is passed your way. It is important to also keep trying and never give up, do not sweat the small stuff and stay persistant and true to yourself. You do not have to change yourself to attract friends, be who you are and the people that truely matter will be your friends and they are the ones that stick by you until the end. Another thing I might add is do not be afraid to speak up for yourself, and let others know your opinion too. Make lots a friends with a variety of backgrounds it opens your eyes to the world as a whole and expands your everyday experiences. Overall, just get out there and meet people but be yourself, you dont need to change for anyone and just keep an eye out for opportunities that pass your way and do not let them slip by.


No one is truly an island unto himself. There is an interconnectedness to life. Thus, the keys to success are to reach out--to connect--and not being afraid to admit we don't know when that is the case. The formation of relationships with others, whether in your field of study or not, lay the foundation for gaining knowledge and wisdom which beget self-confidence to develop in your personal life and in yourchosen career path. Inherent in this are two things: Not being afraid to say "I don't know" and integrity. In the former, as Walt Whitman said: "Everyone is my superior; that way I can learn from them." It takes courage to admit ignorance. What will others think? Will they laugh and think you stupid? What matters is to remain centered on the notion that your existence is valid no matter how much or little you know and to carry on in learning from any source be it a small child, a 3rd-grade educated person, an academic, a peer or through direct observation or research.


Don't take everything for granted. Your supposed to be doing what God intended for you to do. Don't stress out about the little things because none of that will matter in the end.


Do not be afraid to approach professors. They work for you. Be very diligent in getting your work done early because you will better understand the material for the test. Lastly, stay physically active. Being lazy is the last thing you want to do in your spare time. Staying active also allows you to focus on work better.


Don't be affraid to try new things. College is supposed to be the best years of your life. Don't be affraid to open up and get out of your comfort zone. Relax and ejoy the ride.


Making friends is tough at first, but at some point into the year you'll suddenly find yourself with a few close friends. These friends will change your college experience for the better and they'll make even a trip to walmart fun. Planning out the day and determining when to do homework and engage in social activities is going to be very helpful when trying to be the most productive. Try to make time to excersise, too. The transistion from home to school isn't that bad, and it's ok to go home for a weekend every once in a while, because even though you'll love the school, it's nice to be able to just get away. And you get used to the three-hour drive. ANd you'll come to find that you miss your family, especially your parents and sometimes your brother--and occasionally even your sister. Be prepared to do a LOT of work, especially dealing with two majors, a minor, and a concentration. But if you stay focused and apply yourself, you can do it and still maintain a high GPA.


Apply to more than 6 schools.


Finding the right college can be very difficult and can be time consuming. I suggest that a student think of three areas of interest and try to find schools that consist of those three interests. My own personal interests were mathematics, sciences, and business. My school options came from the list generated by my interests. You can also expand that to include athletics or other hobbies and interests. Once you have created a list of options, then you need to narrow it down to your first second and third choices. Some distinguishing features may be the surrounding neighborhood, distance to large towns, financial aid/support, campus community and diversity, climate, and many similar factors. Wherever you go for school, you want to be surrounded by other students who have some of the smae interests as you. Now that you are finally leaving your home for college, you will find yourself in a very self dependant position. Remain focused and dont get into too much trouble, but remember to have fun every now and then too! Make a few good friends while you are at college, they are hard to come by.


Start by looking at location, then go by type of school (liberal arts, engineering, visual arts, etc.). Once you've narrowed it down to about 5-10 try and visit all of them. On your visit really try and see what its like to live there and go to school there--this means more than just taking the tour and the info session. Ask students questions, see classrooms for the type of classes you plan on taking. In the end...go where you feel most comfortable. If you're not happy with the school you attend, you're probably not going to have much success.


Be yourself and keep your eyes on the future. While its important to have fun, balance is key and its necesary to work hard and keep your goal in clear veiw. College can be the best experience of your life, only if you let it and make the most of your education and the connections you make. Only you know what college is going to feel right for you. Once you walk onto the campus for a visit and get that feeling, don't write that off. That feeling can be your deciding factor and its important to be in a place that you are comfortable in order to let your knowledge expand to its fullest.