Clarkson University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Clarkson University know before they start?


I would reccomend that they have a sincere interest in whatever subject they want to pursue, and that their school meets all the criteria to make it the best college experience ever. So, be sure that the social atmosphere fits you and the community it is in is one that you feel comfortable. And don't forget to be yourself!


Tour the school a few time and try to get a feel for the campus. It is very useful to talk to currents students other that the campus tour guide


the only advice i have is going to the campus a couple times to see how it makes you feel and how the people seem to interact with you. i went to one campus that was beautiful, but the people seemed like complete snobs, and that completely turned me away. when you visit the campus, you almost always know when you get there if it's for you or not.


I would definitely talk to random students around campus before picking your school. The students they pick to give tours or talk to you about their experience are paid to say good things about the campus. If I would've talked to regular students before choosing my school I would have realized that students were very unhappy with their school and their classes. Also, definitely check out every school that you're thinking of because you cannot get a good feel until you visit the school, and the school websites try to make the school look good when it may not be.


Think about where you want to end up career wise and make sure that the school offers all that is required to get you there. Also make sure you can see yourself living there and enjoying it.


Students should find an acceptable balance between school work and social activities. College is a very enjoyable experience if you are able to make the most of the time you spend there. You will meet people who will be your friends for the rest of your life and the education you receive in four years will open a lifetime of opportunities.


Delivering a child to a university is a difficult task for most parents. There can be disagreements at this time in life. Many children see college as a time of self expression, a reflection and time of revision upon all the values of their childhoods. Parents should facilitate the process of choosing a post-secondary school keeping family values in mind, but with petty disagreements aside. There are many factors to consider when evaluating schools, but the most important is the congruency of student life to home life. Depending on the college bound student, each student will have a different idea of what type of college he/she wants to attend. Some students need more expression in education, others need expression in other forms. Most importantly, the best college experience for a student is one in which the people at the college are supportive. Other items, such as academics and extracurricular activities, should be ranked below the experience of the student with the faculty and staff at the college. The best college environments are maintained by the best instructors and support staff.


Conduct college visits during the week so that you can see how the college opperates, possibly sit in on a class or two, and talk to faculty in the department your son or daughter wishes to enter. Another helpful thing to do is talk to students from the school, (students other than your tour guides), and get their oppinion on the school / pro's & con's of going there.