Clemson University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Clemson University?

Is Clemson University a good school?

What is Clemson University known for?


One of the best things about Clemson is the campus. It's a big place, yet it isn't sread out to the point where nothing can be found. Even though the campus is nice, i think I would change some things about it as well. There are too many hills for someone like me to be walking up. For me, the school is just right. Most people seem surprised because they expected me to go out of state. Some of the administration is cool. There's plenty of school pride, blinded during football season with all the orange. Students I hear, complain about the food. Sometimes, for what we are paying, you'd expect the food to be a little better than what it is. There's nothing unusual about Clemson. Controversial? Well, there were several things that happened here, but I'm not really sure if there are any that are controversial.


The best thing is the diverse people that you get to meet. I would change the food, because it get old after a while. The school is really big and I like it. When I tell people that I go to Clemson, they think that I am really smart. Most of my time spent on campus is either in my room, a friend's room, or the library. College town. The biggest recent controversy is president Barker being sued.


Clemson's location is really convenient and its Engineering and Science department is really good and strong. I would probably want to change the cost of living on campus to a more affordable price. Clemson's just the right size, not too big, not too small. People are usually proud that I go to Clemson, unless they're USC and Georgia fans. I spend most of my time in class or in my room or the library or somewhere outside in the nice weather. It's definitely a college town. Clemson seems to have a good administration. The biggest recent controversy on campus was what to do about the freshman fraternity member who died from too much alcohol intake. There is a lot of school pride, especially when it comes to sports. I don't find anything unsual about Clemson myself...I'll always remember my first engineering class (hell) and meeting my boyfriend there. Frequent student complaints deal with parking availability.


Clemson has the best atmosphere for game days, we all know how to put the school work aside and focus on the prize at hand. I would change the fees! Its just right. Well since im from Columbia SC they dont look too highly on that. Library getting work done. Definitely College town! Crappy, They dont know what they are doing! President Baker taking 80 million dollars from the students over 8 years now! Hell yeah! Nope. Freshman year, make it the best of your life!!! Campus parking for commuters!!!


Clemson is a beautiful place to be. You get to meet so many people from different backgrounds, and it's wonderful! When I tell people I go to Clemson they say "You must be a genius to go to that school" or "Wow, do you really go there because that is a top school". I try to stray away from comments such as those; however these are the everyday stereotypes that me and other Clemson students face. School pride is definitely a big deal at Clemson. You must have pride to be a Clemson Tiger. If you do not have any pride for Clemson, I guarantee by the time you reach your sophomore year you will have a fond love for Clemson.


The school spirit is amazing; the parking police are very strict and have no problem writing tickets; I feel like it's just the right size because there are some days when walking to class when I know a lot of people and other days I don't recognize anyone


The absolute best thing about Clemson is the people-you will not find a school with more passionate, spirited people, driven to keep Clemson alive and also spur it to constantly change for the better. If I had to change one thing, I wish transfer students felt more of a connection to the student body. Clemson is JUST RIGHT! I feel completely at home and like I know a ton of people. I graduated from a school of 3,500, and many schools I looked at attending felt either too small or too large. Clemson is perfect. Many people know what Clemson is and think it is a wonderful school, and if they have never heard of it, they can tell it is great from the way I talk about it! A lot of people know we are an agricultural school, and some people think that is bad. Clemson does a lot of great research in agriculture, as well as provides opportunities for students here that other schools do not offer. I spend most of my time on campus, well, everywhere...the library, in academic buildings, in the student centers, and in the dining facilities. The bookstore is one of my favorite wandering spots if I am indoors. Otherwise, I love to spend time in the gardens or in one of the many green spaces. Clemson is most definitely a college town. The surrounding community supports us, and there is orange everywhere. We have a small downtown centered specifically around the college and its students. We have had struggles with parking a lot lately. A lot of school pride?? The school pride is OVERFLOWING! There is no square inch yet to be covered. Unusual about is a land grant school, and although it is public, the state does not rule over Clemson because we follow the founder Thomas Green Clemson's will, which states that there will always be 7 elected Board of Trustee members and 6 state appointed. One experience I will always remember is move-in day and how I could not wait to experience what this great place is all about! Frequent student complaints are definitely parking.


Pride DEFINES Clemson. Anyone can be pals with anyone through this powerful bond. We all love it here. LOVE IT. The size of Clemson is the perfect blend of a state school with all of the spirit it entails but also the small community feel without the aggrevations of constant traffic, crowds, etc. Bowman field is the place to be on a nice day. Bells are played by hand in the tower of Tillman throughout the afternoon and can be heard through most of campus.


The best thing about Clemson is the Clemson Family. They start preaching this at orientation and you never really comprehend the phrase until you walk through campus and complete strangers stop you and ask you how your day is and how things are going. If I could change on thing I would change online classes. We all pay tuition to be taught by quality professors, we don't pay to teach ourselves. Clemson is just right, but we could definately expand in the future. When I tell people I go to Clemson, a majority of people say wow! that's a great school and you're up there in God's country. I spend most of my time on campus either going to class or getting involved somewhere. Clemson is a beautiful College town. Clemson's administration is great. most of them went to Clemson and have a deep passion for the students and the school. Biggest recent controversy has been a student death of campus that happened before Christmas break. School pride at Clemson is second to none. Solid Orange is everywhere and you can never break our pride. The unusual thing about Clemson is that we have 13,000 students, our sports programs are division I, and we are a top 30 public university. I will always remember my first Clemson football game at Death Valley. The most frequent complaints are about the parking patrol.


I love how Clemson is one huge family and athletics are great too, there is nothing like it! I would change the exam schedule to a Monday-Friday not Saturday - Saturday. I think Clemson is just right, I don't feel like I get lost in the crowd here. Especially when it comes to classes. If people know about Clemson they tell me how great it is that I go there, it's a very positive reaction. But sometimes when I go home people have no idea where Clemson is and what the school is like so I have to explain. Usually in my room since I live on campus but classrooms would be next in line, haha. College town - not that that's a bad thing There is tons of school pride. I love Solid Orange Friday's and any past alumni that you talk too are so proud they have a degree from Clemson. I will always remember the first time I came to campus as a student. It was a sense of awe, nerves, and excitement. I love it though!