Right now, I'm not very happy with Clemson's administration. It seems like they are very concerned with making us a "Top 20" school. Whatever the hell that means. Just because some association has ranked us along side of other schools isn't really that big of a deal. I hate the phrase Top 20. Anytime some new rule is passed. Top 20. Anytime we turn down potential applicants. Top 20. Anytime we get an email from Barker. Top 20. Enough with the fucking propaganda. Instead of this insanity, why don't we do something useful for the students? A parking deck, so that it isn't a cutthroat competition to park your car! We are in the country for Christ's sake! Parking shouldn't be an issue! But no. I have no idea what we are investing in to get to the Top 20, and am skeptical about the value that possibly achieving that goal really is.
Rants aside, I really love Clemson, and the students here are incredible. It just hurts me to see the school I love being run by such apparent idiots.
People are almost always impressed when I say I'm a Clemson student. It's always a good feeling telling someone where I go to school. This contrasts with the school I transferred from (University of Tennessee), and how people mostly would say "Why do you go there?" after I told them where I went to school.
Clemson does a great job of showing how large it is during big events where it will impress the family and friends, but also manages to make being a student very personal. Even walking around campus you can't believe almost 20,000 people are there at the same time.
Even though most would consider it to be a rural setting, Clemson definitely has a night life (throughout the week), but don't be fooled, those same party animals manage to get the grades too.
The school pride is unparalleled at Clemson. Everyone realizes their places as consumers of the education provided by Clemson and criticizing the university is rare, in fact, I've never heard of it. Of course, everyone has their opinions on particular professors, but that probably doesn't change at any college.
What I like about Clemson, besides the beautifully forested and hilly campus, is the people. Students are driven to improve themselves and their university as well as the coummunity at large. Professors seem very invested in their students, expecting profession work while nurturing their intellectual curiosity in the learning process. Many staff members take pride in working at Clemson, being very hospitable and always huge Clemson fans.
I think Clemson University makes the town of Clemson. While this sometimes is a good thing, it can sometimes be a bad thing. When fall and spring classes aren't in session, then it can be difficult to find people to spend time with. I wish that stores like WalMart and Target were closer. I think stores like this would make Clemson feel less like a college town and more like a town where a college just happens to be. I think the focus on athletic events is great at Clemson, and makes the school what it is.
The best thing about Clemson is the football games. I can barely remember any home game I went to. Tickets are real easy to get since the stadium is huge, unlike some other schools. Clemson's a good size I think it's around 16,000, which is pretty good the campus is a good size I think. If you're looking for a huge school where you never see the same people twice unless you're friends with them then this isn't the place to go, you see the same people all the time around campus, it's a good community feel. The "town" of Clemson isn't really much. There's two or three bars downtown to go to but it's not a great college town. Like I said Clemson really isn't the party school a lot of people build it up to be. Clemson is also kind of in the middle of nowhere - Greenville SC is like a 40 min. drive, some people go there to club, or Atlanta's a 2 hour drive. There's so much school pride at Clemson that if you aren't insane about the Tigers or the color orange you'll probably want to get out after the first week.
So I am just going to go with the suggested topics for this: The best thing about Clemson really depends on who you are at Clemson. I think that everyone can agree that Football is a pretty big staple no mater who you are. However, obviously if you are Greek then you probably enjoy activities geared more towards that interest or if you are an athlete then you are going to think the best thing about Clemson is something totally different. Personally my favorite thing about Clemson is all of the ways to get involved on campus. Not to mention that there are a HUGE variety of things to get involved in. I think the size of Clemson is just right. At first it does feel a little overwhelming, but I went to a school of 1,200 my freshman year and transferred to Clemson and I would DEFINATELY recommend a big school! But at the same time it isn't too big. After a month or two at Clemson you will start noticing that you recognize someone everywhere you go and after that the campus just seems smaller and smaller. Clemson is definitely a college town. We are kind of in the middle of nowhere but it makes it kind of fun because all of the surrounding community is all geared towards college students. Clemson may be nestled in the heart of the south but there are people from all over the country here. I don't feel like you don't fit in if you are not from the "southern culture." I don't consider myself southern at all but I have no problem finding plenty of people that suit my taste
It is great having everything on campus including the football stadium. It makes you feel even more connected to Clemson and gives the feeling that you attendend a close knit campus. The best part about Clemson is all the great people. Everyone is so nice and you have so many friends to study with and just hang out with.
The school is the perfect size. I went to a much larger school (60,000) before coming to Clemson, and am so happy I transferred. It's great because you run into people you know all the time, but you can also avoid people you don't want to see as well. One thing I didn't like was that the Greek life was so intense. Make sure you join Greek life. When I came to Clemson I wasn't able to get into a Sorority because I was always a junior and I think I was at a disadvantage because of that. Girls are 'clicky' in their sorority and don't really try to meet other girls which is a draw back. One thing that was also had is the stereotypes that southerns had about northerners. Coming from the north, many people assumed I was brash and 'a yankee'. I still don't really know what that means but assume southerns think that people from the north are ghetto and trashy which is so wrong! I wish southerners were more accepting and became better friends with northerners because most of the time people stuck with the people they lived close to (whether they knew them or not before coming to Clemson).
It's a college town,most are born from southern big money and like to act the part. The administration is excellent and caring.School pride is huge. Complaints...PARKING!
Clemson is just the right size, its small enough so you don't feel completely overwhelmed, and it is big enough so you will never run out of people to meet.
Tiger pride is really something special. I know every school has pride in its sports and academics, but I think Clemson really stands apart. Everybody is proud they attend Clemson because of its ever-improving academics. Also, the students, as well as the teachers, all stand behind Clemson sports. The motto around campus is: "You can't hide that tiger pride!"