Clemson University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish i had known that clemson's social environment was based mostly on greek affiliation. there aren't too many other options. I also wish i had know about the lack of diversity within the campus and the high degree of conservativism. These southern born individulas aren't very open minded with religion and politics which can be offensive. I didnt know that a lot of people leave Clemson on the weekends either to get away after football season is over.


Before I had come to Clemson University I wish I had known a better system of studying and where to find a job on campus. It is difficult for me to study using the same methods I had used in high school because they are two different types of learning, but thanks to the Academic Success Center I learned new techniques. Also it is hard to find a job here so money is tight for everone, but if I had known where to find one before school it wouldn't be an issue now.


I wish I had known what an amazing place it was. I originally was not planning on applying, but had I known how amazing the students, the faculty and the University as a whole were, Clemson would have been number one on my list all along.


When people knew I would be attending Clemson, the natural question they asked was, "Aren't you worried you'll miss home too much?" Going from Connecticut to South Carolina was indeed a very large distance, however, I did not realize just how hard the distance would be. For this reason, I was hit with a very hard case of home-sickness my first couple of months at college. Although I was able to combat it and get past missing home, I would have suffered much less shock had I realized just how much home would mean once I left.


I wish I would have known more about the weather here in Clemson, the living possibilities, and about the churches near and around campus.


I wish I would have looked at campus maps a little more. This is a very large school with close to a hundred buldings. I think I spent most of my freshman year just trying to find where everything was. But Clemson does a good job with directing new student traffic to where they need to go.


I wish I had known I had more options of career choices based on my major. I also wish I had known that my advisors are not really here to advise you.


I wish I knew the amount of school spirit. When I was deciding which school to go, I went to a Clemson football game and realized that was where I was meant to be. Everyone is dressed in orange and bonded by cheer and spirit for our team. It is the best feeling walking around campus on a Saturday game day.


I wish I had known alittle more about the weather. I thought it would be warmer than what it is.


I wish I would have known less people. A lot of people came from my home town, but I was still able to meet a lot of great people from other places. I already knew a lot about this school, it is a family school and a lot of older people I went to school with also attended and graduated.