Clemson University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


The football ticket system can be pretty tricky and invonvenient. I didn't know anything about having to sleep outside in line in order to get good seats (or sometimes even a ticket at all), and I also didn't know about alternatives to doing this. New students should definitely do their research on this to figure out what works best for them.


A little bit more about greek life.


Whish I had known more about the school other than hearing about football. I applied very late only after finding about the quality of the programs that were offered, the university is top 25 in the nation but dosn't seem to get the word out.


Get a scholarship and work really hard. Never accept less than your best.


I wish I had know how much college would strain my budget.


Get all the information you can on school regulations and policies. You get into alot of trouble by not know the simple rules and regulation presented by the school you attend.


That I was going to change majors and lose my religious affiliation.


I wish I knew about college grants and schlorships


I wish someone had told me to go check out my professors out at The college has a lot of amazing researchers as professors, but some of them just cannot teach.


how damn hard it was going to be