Coastal Carolina University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Coastal Carolina University?


That we are treated as high schoolers and not college students. I thought we would be treated more as adults and it was disappointing!


Faculty seems to never care or never want to help. Finacial Aid and scholarships are impossible to find and the Coastal Carolina Finacial Aid center never helps. Finding jobs on campus to help pay for tuition is impossible to find. School is also expanding too big too fast. I went to Coastal because you were a big fish in a little sea, and now students are becoming just a number.


The most frustrating thing at my school is the parking. This may seem like a minor detail and it is but many students complain that they do not have enough parking here. Realistically, other schools provide more parking but the parking is more expensive and farther away from campus. Although the parking is very frustrating, with the right amount of planning and time it can be manageable.


Dealing with teachers who do not know English well, yet attempt to teach a course dependant on spoken word.


I would have to say that making sure all of the doccuments are in place and correct for aid. When you talk to the office you get a different person every time and they do not all give the same advice. When it comes to money at CCU it is your job to make sure they are doing theirs.


Not knowing anyone and not being able to make friends.


There are many various activties avaliable during the weekends and weekdays. This may make it frustrating to balance social events with your schoolwork. Sometimes it is hard to focus on one's schoolwork.


The most frustrating thing about my school is how outdated are gym facilities are.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that the tutition is so high. I am an in-state student and being a full-time student here is still expensive. I try my hardest to find scholarships to help pay for my education so I can enjoy my time here at school and my parents can enjoy my time here as well without worrying about how we are going to make the payments.


Although the university offers many extracurricular activities and clubs, only a small percentage of students are involved. This makes it so that the various organizations are not well publicized, and it's difficult for students to participate in campus life. I am about to be a second semester sophomore and have not been able to join any clubs, except for dance, because I learn about them too late or they interfere with my class schedule. The campus does not seem very unified because of this problem.