Coastal Carolina University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about my school is the program I'm in. I'm a marine science major and I came to this school for the marine science program. I have had great professors since I started here and I have had many opportunities to go on field trips and do internships that relate to my major. I also have great opportunitites to study abroad with programs that have to do with my major. The marine science program is the best thing, in my opinion.


The best thing about going to Coastal Carolina would be the diversity. Growing up i lived in the same town with the same people most of my life, coming here I wasn't sure what to expect. Here at Coastal we have multiple diversity programs and kids from all over the United States and even other countries with different ethnic backgrounds and cultures.


The best thing about Coastal Carolina University is the amount of clubs/organizations to get involved in. It is a great way to get yourself out there, meet new people, and start to have the people within those organizations help push and guide you into the man/woman you're set out to be.


The best part about my school would have to be the people. I've met so many diverse and unique people since attending this university. Everyone is friendly and we all are here for the same purpose so there is a sense of unity as well. I've throughly enoyed meeting others on this campus.


class size and teachers


The best part about Coastal is that the university is fairly new so everything there is very modern. With everything being upgraded we can study on computers that the programs are all up to date. Another cool thing is that the class sizes at coastal very between 20-24 students, which is awesome because you can still get to know your teachers and get that one on one time with your teachers like you do in high school.


Coastal Carolina is a great University for many reasons such as its diversity, location, and warm climate, but especially wonderful for its school athletics and spirit, where students are proud to be CCU Chanticleers.


In my opinion, the best thing about my school is the teacher to student ratio. The classes typically range from 20-30 students. I like that the classes are smaller because I get the chance to connect with my teacher and students in the class better. Having smaller classes also gives me the opportunity to achieve the best learning experience possible due to minimal distractions and one-on-one conversations with the teacher.


I would definately consider the education as being the best about the school. The campus is absolutely beautiful, and by far one of the most beautiful campuses I have came across. Education would be the best thing in my opinion. You need education in life to be successful, therefore I mostly consider that as being the top thing about Coastal Carolina University. There are many opprotunities here, with that being said, try to get it.


The best thing about Coastal Carolina is meeting new people. Everyone from faculty and staff down to the students are friendly.


No matter what i always have something to do because at Coastal, there is no such thing as boredom. Once i am done with classes, i always have something to do whether it be going to the beach, the gym, or even just walking around campus because its goregous. Coastal Carolina is a very welcoming campus and is very accepting of every student here. I love my school very much.


I consider the various amount of students at the university the best thing about my school. As Coastal Carolina University as a college increases, the diversity of students grows as well- giving me and other students an opportunity to burst from the personal walls that we've built since our childhood year, to learn more about different cultures and beliefs through other fellow students.


There is a tremendous amount of school spirit and there is always something on campus for students to do.


my program of interest, the education program. the teachers are very dedicated.


The best thing about Coastal Carolina is the school spirt, the small campus feel dispite the campus size and the helpful professors.


I consider the Kimbel Library to be the best thing about Coastal. The library is open 24 hours and it's just a place where you can relax, do all of your work with no distractions, study for exams, use as a get away and the library is also very peaceful. The staff is very nice and makes it a wonderful environment to be around where there will be no worries. I call the library my second home!


The plethora of opportunities, and willingness of faculty to be involved in the students academic careers. In just one semester I have had the opportunity to obtain a work study position within my major's department, join a volunteer club called Students Taking Active Responsibility, join a greek organization, and attend a week long volunteer trip for Give Kids the World. I've also had the opportunity to meet with the chair of the Health Science Department multuple times to discuss my interests, future goals, and possible career paths.


I think the best thing about my school is the great programs they have along with the staff. The school is not that large so you get a lot of help from your professors if need be.


One of the best things about Coastal Carolina is that the school has a visual arts department! Not only do they offer everything from painting to sculpture, and printmaking to metal works, but there are countless opportunities to develop an impressive resume in the arts. Student, community, and national art exhibits and shows are advertised to students, encouraging them to take an active role in exposing their work. Internships, trips, and job opportunities are also offered. The professors in this department truly want to see students succeed, and are prepared to help them reach full potential.


The education is the best thing about this school. The teachers actually care about what you are learnig and they try to help you if you don't understand something. Thet take time out of thier schedule to help you if you are just really confused about a problem or just need some on to talk too.