College of Charleston Top Questions

Describe the students at College of Charleston.


I think its pretty mixed, I know theres only about a ten percent black population other than that I don't really notice much. I don't really notice too many people because then I would probably have to talk to them.


The student body is definitely diverse. No student would feel out of place. Most students wear whatever they like to class. Some dress up and others come in their pajamas. The point is to be there to learn and it's not about what you look like. Students come from all over the country, surprisingly. I met a girl from Brazil my first semester and we are friends now. Students have a diverse financial background also, but that's everywhere. The students here are very involved in politics.


Diversity here sucks. They're tryin to fix that, but if u're not part of the mainstream student population, u tend to stick out. Like any other college tho, u've got greeks, jocks, stoners, nerds...all the usual cliches of college kids.


Not too much diversity at first glance but if you look hard enough there is definitely a mix of people. There are a lot of wealthy people from outside the state and many in state kids are poorer. I think any student can fit in at CofC you just have to be willing to get involved with a group, club, or bunch of kids that like similar things.


The campus is wildly diverse in regards to the student population - there is no typical College of Charleston student. A single stereotype does not dominate the campus, the atmosphere on campus is open to whatever voice you could want to hear or share. Conservative, Liberal, Democrat, Republican, hard core politician, or voting just for the name - our students are on every end of the spectrum. There is no polarization of the campus though, no animosity or ill feeling about politics between students.


I have met some of the greatest people here at C of C, friends that will stick with me for years to come. There is a vast array of people at the college, and they are overall the nicest people I have met in a long time.


Mostly middle-upper class white kids. Love to party. Excessively into getting laid. Most students study but also have social lives as well.


there are so many different types of people at the college that it would be difficult to feel out of place as long as you are proactive and make an effort to meet people. most student wear very casual clothes to school, jeans or shorts and flip flops with whatever range top you like. you can even wear pajamas if you like. i feel that there isn't very much interaction between the different types of students, cofc seems to be quite cliquey. Most student seem to be from the carolina area, and there are also many from the south and many from the north. there is a large range of financial backgrounds, however most people seem to be at a fairly normal and regular level of finance, and there are also the richies and those who are a bit strapped for cash. Students are very politically aware and active. i have seem no predominance between left and right. And yes they talk about and worry about how much they will earn in the future.


As long as you are open, C of C has a lot of friendly people. Students are pretty liberal and talk openly about sex, religion, and politics.


My experience with the demographics of CofC was vast. There are people of all ethnic and religious backgrounds. I find that the financial background of MOST people that I met was upper middle class to upper class. However, I met a lot of people who came from a lower socio-economic background that were there on scholarship. As far as 'cliques' go, you have your typical sorority/frat group, the 'nerdy' honors college kids, the punk kids, the gangstas. But really, its not like high school and I always see people from differen't cliques talking to one another. Wherever there is a group of human beings there will be groups with similar characteristics but the people at CofC aren't snobby enough to fall into a category of people that won't talk to you if you are different.