College of Charleston Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at College of Charleston?


most everyone at CofC is in a frat or sorority


That we are all rich and preppy or hippies.


I think CofC still retains the "College of Knowledge" reputation, which refers sarcastically to the lack of knowledge. This may have been true in the past, but CofC is getting very difficult to get into and classes are increasingly difficult. There are more girls than boys at this school, but the ratios are getting better.


I've heard people say that the girls at C of C aren't the "best" and that they like to wear skimpy clothes and sunbathe where everyone can see them. I've also heard that C of C is a true Charleston, southern friendly school.


The girls are usually perceived as being preppy and slutty, but there are girls that go to CofC who are the complete opposite of this. Most guys are really into themselves and are jerks.


too many girls; party school


EVERYONE smokes pot.


When I first got to The College, the stereotypes included: - students were burnouts who didn't get in anywhere else - students partied all the time and did a lot of drinking/drugs


CofC is a party school full of rich, drunk, white kids.


They party, they surf, they're southern belles, greek is GREAT, the girls all date Citadel cadets, no one studies, the campus is racist.