College of Charleston Top Questions

What should every freshman at College of Charleston know before they start?


Making the transition to college has been a mixture of emotions, experiences and milestones. From the first class, to the first night with a roommate, through the first year and first term grades, it has all been beyond what was to be expected. There is an immense amount of free time and managing that has been the biggest adjustment. Secondly, realizing that you?re all on your own was a huge realization. You can only count on yourself. Your professors expect you to exceed and want you to do just that, but they are not there to hold your hand along the way or accept your excuses when you slip up. College takes more courage than I expected. You have to learn to put yourself out there and get to know people, because they don?t always come to you. Despite the fact that it?s the most fun you?ll ever have, its also one of the most stressful times in your life. It?s living and learning on your own, as well as learning to live on your own.


"Any time gone by was better." Jorge Manrique With that statement I agree. Highschool was great, the friends, the work, the drama. . . sometimes. But all in all college is where life gets serious. It is the beginning of the rest of your life. Beginnings are always the hardest but without beginnings there are no middles or ends. So persevere through the transition, enjoy each moment and trial of life, and always keep in mind the purpose for which you are living. Do not rush through the years because if you do, when you look back, you will always wonder why all those great oppurtunities were missed. College is all about learning, so be willing and prepared to be the best you can be.


As a college freshman to go back and talk to myself as a senior, I would tell myself to make sure to get into the good study habits now. In college your going to have not only listen to what the teacher lectures on but also to be reading along in the book. You have to understand information not only in a broad since but also the details of it all. I would also tell myself to enjoy the simplicity of senior year, don't think about how amazing it will be in college. Enjoy senior year because it flies by so fast.


Be prepared for an experience you have probably never been through before. Prepare yourself because you may find that you will grow into a more responsible person. Think of college as a long vacation away from home. You will miss being at home, but you will love the experience and will want to go back. But, also remember that college is a place to learn, not only about different subject matters, but also about yourself. As a college student, the opportunities are endless. It will be up to you to take advantage of the opportunities you are given. And, most importantly, it will be up to you to make the most of your life as a college student and enjoy it.


If I could go back in time, I would remind myself to not take life and experiences for granted. College has a wealth of students and professors eager to teach and learn from you. But it's also competitive. I'd plead for my past self to use every moment to the fullest, to ask questions, and learn from every success and failure. Nothing hurts me more now than knowing there was more I could have done in the past to prepare for my education.


i would try and gte as much help as possible .


If I could advise myself as a high school senior, I would have many life lessons to share. First, I would tell myself to focus on school and study hard to push through the last year. Many seniors get discouraged with school and begin to slack off because graduation is just around the corner, but I would tell myself to stay motivated because a few free days with friends is not worth throwing away your hard work. I did fairly well my senior year, but I did lower my GPA by skipping assignments, missing class, and not studying as hard. Another lesson I would share with myself is about college life. After being here at the College of Charleston, I have learned that it is sometimes hard to balance your schoolwork and social life, so I would tell myself to first study diligently, then become involved in campus activities, and everything else will fall into place. The last piece of advice I would give myself is this: "You can accomplish anything you want to in life if you give it your best effort and stay positive! Live your dreams."


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to really consider different colleges. As a senior, I was set on one particular college, and after spending my freshman year there I realized it was not the school for me. I had to transfer in the middle of my second year of college, which was a drastic and difficult change to go through in the middle of the school year. So, if I could go back I would make sure to let myself know that considering other options is a good idea because you never know what might happen. I would also tell myself that college is a lot harder than you think, so be prepared to study a lot more, and to learn to balance time. I had a lot of trouble with this, but as I got older I got better. These are the two most important things I would tell myself because these are the things that made me change my life.


The one thing I would be sure to tell myself would be not to be nervous or scared to put myself out there. Moving from home and living on my own for the first time was difficult. I found it hard to make friends at first because I was shy around new people. Over the past two years I have grown a lot and I think that I could let my younger learn a good lesson about being a more extroverted person.


If I could go back and talk to myself, I would first say to truly start thinking about my future. I would also tell myself to consider doing more volunteering because in college it really goes a long way. When it comes to actual dorm life, I would tell myself to be more open to new things and people of different cultures, because at the College of Charleston, there are thousands of students from all kinds of racial backgrounds. When it comes to classes, I would definely tell myself to learn proper studying techniques, because all though I have made it that far through high school without studying, I will need to study to do well in school. Just so I would have an idea of what I possibly want to major in, I would tell myself to possibly complete an internship or do some job shadowing.