College of Charleston Top Questions

What should every freshman at College of Charleston know before they start?


Going back to Senior year in high school, I would have studied more. High school was easy for me and I did not study very much, so when I got into college, I did not know how to study. It took me a while to learn what kind of studying method was best for me and some of my grades did suffer because I did not know how to study. The advice I would have given myself would be to learn how to study successfully before entering into College.


If I could go back and give myself advice after knowing what I do now about college, I would tell myself several things. First of all, I would encourage myself to work harder than I did. College classes are not as easy as I found high school ones to be, and certainly they require more studying. I would also try and put more effort into the essays I wrote for scholarships I did apply for. Little did I know, college is expensive, and every scholarship helps tremendously. Another piece of advice I would give myself would be to research tips and tricks of how to get along with your roommate. It is hard to be thrown into a dorm with someone, and having more information about them, or how to get along would have been helpful. Lastly, I would convince myself to learn how to stop procrastinating. The schoolwork does not get any easier, and procrastinating does not help at all.


I would attend a private school for 4 years instead of going to a junior college and transitioning to a public 4 year school.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, there are quite a few things I would tell myself to do differently. For one, I would tell myself to spend a lot more time with my family. Going off to school makes you realize how much you value your family and being around them and it makes you miss them more when you don't get the kind of time with them you need. I would also tell myself to study more diligently and start working on organization and time management. In college, your success depends very much on your ability to organize your time, thoughts, and life. I was not the most organized person in high school and I did not study very much so I did not give myself the chance to develop adequate study skills. Those are the main things I would tell myself to do differently as a high school senior if I could go back in time.


The advice that I would give to myself would be to stay true to yourself and the things in which you were brought and raised upon. There are so many temptations on a college campus. However, if you know who you are and where you come from, there should be no reason that others should stray you to take a different route. Study hard, make new friends, and get involved on campus. There is so much out there to do and to see. Do not ruin your future for temptation.


I would tell myself to never let another person decide what I was to do with my life. I would remind myself that to fit in is not more important than to be happy solo. I would tell myself to plan more reading nights and fewer party nights. I would want myself to know that spanding time with my family before I go to school is more important than spending time with high school "friends" because I know now that most of them I would never see again. I would tell myself that I am worth the education I will be getting and that I need to appreciate it and do my very best, but not be depressed when I get that first failing grade. Life goes on, don't miss the bus!


I would advise myself to learn how to study in high school because even if you do not have to in high school you definitely do in college. So learn how, or just be prepared. Also, I would advise myself to be bold and learn to have some self-confidence because it's not the same as in high school and it is up to you to meet people and do almost everything by yourself.


Don't expect things to be like high school. It isn't as easy as it looks. Be open-minded. Don't be too quick to judge your professors or fellow students. Be outgoing. Have fun and make as many memories as possible. Time flies.


find what you want and not what your friends or parents want. my college fits me perfectly. i was in love with it the moment i stepped on campus. would not change anything.


I would not care so much about what people thought of me, rather, I would focus on the way I influenced people's feelings and futures and attempt to better both these aspects of their lives.