College of Southern Idaho Top Questions

What should every freshman at College of Southern Idaho know before they start?


When I was a high school senior, like many others, I knew some of my hopes and dreams but did not know how I wanted to fit them into the world. Because I was so pressured to attend school just for the sake of attending school, I did not do very well in the beginning. My lack of direction led me to exactly where I was going: nowhere - and it wasn't cheap either! If I could go back in time and save my high school senior self from making the same mistake, I would say, "Spend your high school years getting to truly know yourself. Be active with your interests, whether it's through school clubs or on your own. When you get to experience shaping your goals into reality you will have a clearer idea and stronger motivation to where you want to be. If you're struggling, don't be afraid to ask for help and if you change your mind what direction you want to go in, don't give yourself a hard time about it. We are all always growing and continue to do so after college, so don't stress and enjoy the experience!"


I would go back and tell myself that college requires self-discipline and dedication and to wait on the college experience until I had obtained those specific skills. I would also warn myself that if this warning was not heeded, I would be setting myself up for failure -- a failure that would literally take years to recover from.


If I could go back to school and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to prepare for college by creating useful study habits. I would also tell myself to learn to manage my time early because college life will take up a large majority of my time in the future. I would also tell myself to start preparing to be out in the world on my own once I start my college career. I would make sure that I would start preparing a savings to help pay for college expenses and also normal expenses like rent and bills. If I told myself these things I believe I would have been better prepared for college. These are all things I tell the students I tutor to start preparing as soon as possible.


If I could go back and give myself advice, it would be to dream bigger, have confidence that you can make something out of your life and to never give up. As a senior, I knew my parents couldn't pay for college, so I never tried. I would tell myself to talk to anyone that will listen and tell them that you want to go to school and achieve a better life. I would tell myself to get involved in as many things as I could to make that happen, save my money, don't socialize as much and concetrate on school, because some day that will matter. I would tell myself not to graduate with a 1.9 GPA, to find out at 36 that you can achieve a 3.75 and that you probabley could have in high school too, if only you would have concentrated and cared enough to do it. You can achieve the impossible, if you take that first step and try. I am now, and wish that I had done it sooner!


"Go to school to do something you know you will enjoy doing for the rest of your life. The opinion of others, your idea of what is expected of you, and even money won't matter in the long run, as long as you can wake up each morning (at least most mornings) excited to go to work. Life will be easier if you find something you are passionate about and you just do the heck out of it. You may be going to the wrong school or be studying the wrong program or you may even be in school for the wrong reasons if you cannot identify what will make you happy (set goals) and then clearly identify a path to achieve those goals. I do not like using the term goals here, though, because I am not talking about material possessions and things. I am talking about achievments, accomplishments, career etc. If you think making money is a good goal, and you are majoring in economics to achieve that goal and no other reason, you are destined for unhappiness. Like I said, find something that makes you happy and do the heck out of it."


Given the opportunity to speak to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself what an enriching experience college can be. I would recommend focusing on academics while still making time for myself to have fun and enjoy all that college has to offer. There are many different ways I which I could broaden my social network, cultural knowledge, and gain from unique experiences. College is more than a place of learning. It is a place to develop skill, ability, and perhaps most importantly character.


I would tell myself that college is much easier than first anticipated. In fact the strictness of the classes, is much less than the old routine of high school life. Than me in the past will say "cool", and me in the future will know that I in the past is not motivated enuff. So I know that the past is set and I can't change it. But true motivation comes from the insite of the knowlege of the puticuler persion you are ingaging with. And I know that the past me will do the right thing, I think?


I would simply tell myself to not wait six years to go back to school, and to not be afraid of how to pay for school because if you have the want and drive to better yourself the rest will fall into place. I would also tell myself that even if you don't know what you want to go to school for you could always take some core classes because if you wait to go back to school it will only be harder to go back latter. The last thing I would say is that you can be anything you want or do anything if you only have an education.


I would tell myself to go to college right out of high school. It is very hard to get motivated to go back after taking a year or more off to work. I thought I could save money but always found something to spend it on. Just go to college and start your life off right. Going to college really gives you a head start in life and an introduction into the real world of having a lot more responsibilities. Some of those responsibilities you don't realize you will ever have will be a surprise. Going to college is a good mid point and you won't be forced into them as fast as if you didn't go to college right away. It is a good way to know that you will be able to support your family and live comfortably when it comes to that point. Going to college will give a boost to your income and in healthcare (like me) you will be helping out some of the people who need it the most!


the easiest thing you can do to help yourself out is to apply for scholarships. the only thing you give up when applying for a scholarship is your time; time that is more significant to you than you can imagine. if you neglect the opportunities that are out in the world you will find life more difficult than it is easy. working your way through college is not fun or without stress; it takes a toll on you to juggle school and work at the same time. so if you really want to help yourself you will apply for as many scholarships as you can because the fruits of your labor will blossom into rewards far exceeding your greatest expectations. a scholarship will help you transition from high school to college life with less stress and more enthusiasm towards you education. if a scholarship does only one thing for you it will provide you with the means for you to achieve your dreams and aspirations of becoming the person you want to become in life. only you can decide your own destiny wheter you choose to take charge of it is up to you.