College of Southern Idaho Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known how easy it would be to go to college. I can choose a schedule that fits my needs and I will have a degree in no time. I wish I had done it years ago. I wish I had known the possibilities that I was missing out on, by not going years ago.


I wish I had known how much information that is needed, so I can register for the classes I am pertisapating in. And the knowlege of careers that are intrusting to me.


One thing I wish I would have known before I chose this school was how many different things I would learn in my one class. I learned everything from safety, welding, airbrushing, metal fabrication, and so much more. I have enjoyed learning everything just was not prepared for work and dedication it would take. So I just had to learn to take it all one day at a time.