My college experience has been wonderful. Everyone around me has been so nice . It's been so valuable to attend because my future will be set. I will have a wonderful job and career because of the instructors and faculty.
I am currently enrolled in CUNY College of Staten Island, more specifically in the CUNY Macaulay Honors College, and I am expected to graduate in May 2013. My experience as a college student has changed me as a person, and I am much more independent , motivated, and driven than I ever was in high school. I have always seen myself attending college and pursuing a lifelong career, and it has been a very valuable decision for me to apply and get accepted to this very selective program. Although my experience at the College of Staten Island campus is not very fulfilling, fun, or exciting to me, my experience with the Macaulay Program has exceeded my expectations. Macaulay not only provided free tuition and a laptop for my undergraduate years, but I have also gained from them many opportunities that are hard to come by in other universities. These include a study grant to study abroad, limitless internship opportunites, and cross-campus events that integrate all Macaulay students from the seven CUNY campuses that are part of the Macaulay Program. I am blessed to have been accepted into this program, and I am grateful for everything it has given me.
I know when I finish i will have my Nursing degree.
The best thing that I got out of my education were my real-life experiences and the way I have learned to analyze literature. I believe that the best way for this nation to rise up from our economic struggle is to promote education and literacy. By doing this, people will be more aware of the world around them and how important they are in making a difference to our world.
I've rediscovered myself and realized I'm capable of a lot more than I thought I was.
Having the opportunity to attend college was a luxury for me; I am the first in my family to attend college and I will be the first to obtain a bachelors degree. I decided to attend a city university because of its affordable tuition and reputable education program. My college experience has made me a stronger, more focused person because I learned to take the opportunity to incorporate the knowledge I gathered through various activities and fieldwork. I joined campus clubs and participated in events such as New Student Orientation and the Emerging Leaders Program; in which I leaned that joining programs would give me the opportunity to interact with people in my field of study and my fields of interest. This is important to me since interacting with others is a critical factor in the field of education. I look forward to increasing these skills. This scholarship is very important to me because I am so invested in becoming a school teacher; it will enable me to continue to fulfill my goal of entering the education field.
I love learning. I think somewhere deep down I?ve always known this to be true, but it was my college experience that really made me realize how enlightening education is.
In high school, math and science were classes I dreaded. I was always bored in school. I?ve always loved reading (I?d read about two classics a week) but I hated my English classes. They were never exciting. They never made me WANT to learn.
In college, everything changed. This was all because of the professors I met along the way.
I studied music in high school and for the most part, I loved it. But, I hated sight-singing classes. My favorite professor, Dr. Bauer, made sight-singing enjoyable by assigning us Beatles songs and bouncing tennis balls around the classroom.
I never thought I could ever read Faust in an English class without feeling incredibly frustrated or lost. My professor brought the book to life. He made it so incredibly entertaining and turned it into a lovely journey.
College was valuable to me because it made learning an exciting journey, the way it should always be!
If I could go back in time, there are a number of things I would do. For one, I wouldn't of held so much spite for my mother for moving us down to Florida. Originally, I had a clear idea of what I intended to do out of high school. My FAFSA was submitted, my school was chosen, and I had passed their entrance exam with flying colors. In my mother's opinions, opposite the fact, she didn't think DeVry University was an accredited institution. In her opinion, a dinky little community college in the middle of no where Florida made more sense. My mom made that sacrifice on my education and forced me into a depression that would keep me out of school for 8 years. Its now 2010 and I'm finally making enough money to afford it, so I've applied for FAFSA again, taken DeVry's entrance exam again and just need $3000 more to finish my application for enrollment and register for classes starting in March. If I could win this, I'd gladly only accept 3000, or even half the prize, just to go to school again.
I would start off by saying that I need to start learning and catching up on my math and get a few tutors in a few other subjects because college classes and homeworks are much tougher then you think. The one thing that i would tell myself is that, if the class is easy then there could be a problem because nothing in life is easy and college life isn't an exception. I would also tell myself that you should be ready to spend most of your time in the library starting around the second week of class studying very hard for the exams.
If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to not go to CUNY College of Staten Island. If you are looking for school pride and fun activites, then this is not the college for you.The only thing you will get out of this college is headaches and go through a slight depression. I would also tell myself to study more. It is okay to miss a few days of the Tyra Show.