If I could talk to myself at 18 and tell myself what I know now, I would say, "pace yourself". I would tell myself that college is not as scary as you think, you just have to pay attention to detail. If I could go back, I would study harder my first semester because you can't just float along like you do in high school. And I would tell myself not to lose heart when I failed Beginning Algebra. But more importantly I would encourage my 18 year old self. College is about pulling all nighters, living on dreams and making friends with all kinds of interesting people. What I didn't know as a senior in high school is that delayed gratification is the best there is. When you work this hard to achieve something it means more than all the riches of the world, because you did it with your own two hands. The one piece of advice I would give myself is simply, never stop fighting. Sometimes its tough to not give up on certain classes, but if you keep at it you'll get there. College is a test of endurance, so hang in there.
I would have to go and tell myself "Self, you can get excited but understand college is still life. You dont get to escape just cause you got away. Stay true to your values and make sure you keep your feet on the ground while your heads in the clouds."
This is a great question. I would tell myself to get off my lazy butt and start applying for scholarships and schools!! I was a very good student in highschool. I was blessed with all the good qualifications and was very involved in school and my community; i was the Senior Class President, a member of the National Honor Society, I won a few State awards for Music and Art, but I had "senioritus". I could have gone to any four year University in Texas and I blew it. I'm struggling now on my own to pay for school with the little money I make working at a Child Care Facility and going to school full time. I would tell myself that "now is not the time to relax, your future is very important...You can do it!!!" I would encourage and motivate me to do whatever I could to go to the college of my dreams! I had the chance and now I'm paying for it. However, going to a two year community college has changed my life and has prepared me for a four year university. I have to take this blessing and accept it.
I would tell myself how important the future is, and that there is more to life than just high school. I would map out a plan to get my education taken care of right after high school instead of waiting. I would want to tell myself to have more fun, and that while I needed to be mindful of the road ahead, I needed to enjoy the present. I would want to convey the message of how truly carefree I should be feeling, instead of a feeling of indifference about everything, especially regarding my education.
I would tell my self to pay attention, listen to what your teachers, advisors and parents have to say. I would also stress the importance of going to college and completeing your degree requirements, because that degree will get your foot in the door to most jobs. I would also stress the importance of credit, work ethic and your family. Credit is hard to come by after you have made mistakes. Work ethic is important because if you work hard you will be succesful, and your family is important because they will be you support.
My senior year was my biggest regret. I was a National Honor Society student who was in denial. I did not want to be considered smart or intellectual. I wanted to blend in and be a part of the "it" crowd. While many students with my GPA were gladly submitting college applications and hoping for the best schools, I was hoping that I would be invited to the coolest Prom after-party. If I could go back in time I would tell myself to wake up. I had set myself on a course for a belated education. I was so set on "living life" I went to college for two weeks and then withdrew to "take a year off." That year turned into twelve. At the age of thirty, I returned to college and I have been working to get my education at a stage in life where there are more hurdles. If I could, I would tell myself to be proud of my abilities and educational accomplishments. The one thing in life that can never be taken away is knowledge. Education is the door to every opportunity you can dream. If you put off your education, life takes over.
I would tell my self to prepare more. In my senior year, I had what many refered to as "senioritis". I was just eager to get out of high school and go tackle the college life. I had seen college as just a great big party with a couple of classes here and there, but of course this happened only in movies. I thought I had it all figured out , but I did not. After two years in college, I see that it is not a walk in the park and the transition is not easy at all. I never anticipated the long nights studying or the coTuntless amounts of research papers that had to be done. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to get serious and prepare prepare prepare!!. I would advise myself to get off facebook and face your books. My college experience hasnt been perfect and I have no one to blame but myself. It is only through the grace of God that I continue moving on.
Work hard and learn to study and manage your time wisely. College is a rewarding experience for those who are mature enough to handle its respnsibilities.
Stop. Stop. Stop. I know what you are doing, I've been in those Converse sneakers and skinny jeans. I know how important shopping is to you now but trust me, it is not important than your upcoming AP English exam. If you don't do well tomorrow, you'll have to take beginner's English your first semester in college instead of getting another class complete. And I know, dual credit classes are hard. No one wants to get up at 7 AM but it will pay off. A year after graduation you will be transferring to a four year college as a junior. See, those AP and dual credit classes really do pay off! And trust me, it wasn't the clothes that did it. Don't allow yourself to be beaten down when your friends go off to big colleges while you take community college classes. You are going to succeed as long as you believe in yourself and I hope in knowing that you'll stop spending so much time taking your anger out on your credit card and more time with your face in a book. Best of luck!
Your biggest fan,
I would inform myself on how to finance my education. I would advise myself to apply for scholarships or grants. I would recommend to myself not to take any student loans. Student loans are expensive with no guarantee a job will pay a higher salary to compensate for the cost of the loan. In addition, I would tell the younger version of myself to attend a two year community college instead of a technical school. Community colleges provide the recipient with a lower-priced accredited degree. In contrast, technical schools provide the recipient with costly and non-accredited degree.