Collin County Community College District Top Questions

What should every freshman at Collin County Community College District know before they start?


If I were could talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to continue with an early graduation. I would stress making all A's if possible because it's better for scholarships. Take your SAT and ACT while you're still in high school so that you can be admitted into a university. Even though your job is only part time, save as much as possible. Lastly, please remember to apply for scholarships before you graduate!


Studying will be a big part of life now. Create good habits now when it will be easier and learn to balance school work and a social life. College can be really fun, but it can also be a pain if you don't do things when they need to get done. Don't procrastinate, in fact that's one of the worst things to do. Do school work when it is given and do it in a timely manner. Going out with friends may seem like a good idea at the time, but not when school work and projects are piling up. Work hard and never give up, no matter what. Some situations may seem hard at times, but things will always work out in the end.


If I could go back in time to talk with my former self I would tell her to finish high school and go to college. While you may not know what to do exaclty now, in a few years programs in forensic science will be available, while right now it is unheard of and not offered. Start taking as many science courses as you can to get a good solid base started which will make the transfer into a forensic program easier. Going this route will be a lot better and will help you accomplish your goal alot faster then trying to get this type of degree done later on in life having to start from square one. Yes your high school may have been a joke but take advatage of what you can get out of it before you have to pay for everything. It costs a lot more.


If i could go back in time and talk to myself in high school as a senior i would have tell myself not to be so lazy. Dont take the easy classes but to take some challanging class. I would also have to say learn good study habbits, because you do have to do alot of studing in college. At my high school you had a choice to attend some college classes for high school and college credit, i would tell my self to get into those college classes and get them all done. I would also tell myself to go and get a job to start saving up for school,it doesnt matter what kind of job just somthing to start off . I would tell myself to TAKE THE ACT NOW,don't wait , you know the information now in 1 year ,you will have forgotten everything, and would be a big stress in your life, to have to re-learn every. I believe that all of my advice to myself comes down to being lazy, just dont be lazy.


Living by your grandparent's rules are worth free room and board. Their support is a blessing and they love you more than you can imagine. The free food tastes great and will always beat ramen. Working nights to pay for school tuition and books is a smart choice for you. It fits your schedule and natural rhythm. Starting college the fall after graduation is also an excellent idea. A college degree is what you always wanted. Trials and tribulations will come. If you do not have one you will regret it. Do not stop even if you think it is for the right reasons. It takes a long time to get back to school. College is easier when you are 20 years old and single than when you are 40 years old and married with five children. Follow your dreams of helping children. Register as soon as you can, meet with an advisor, set up a plan and follow it. Your family loves you and you have all of the support you need to be successful.


I have serveral pieces of advice to give my past self. First, to borrow a phrase from Douglas Adams: Don't panic. There is no reason to work yourself into a giant bundle of nerves over this new experience, and in the end it will do nothing but cause you to lose sleep and hurt your performance in class. Second, just because you assume you have a good memory does not mean you do not need to note in class. There is no earthly way you can remember each event over the course of one-hundred years in America's history, and noting is essential to success. Third, mathematics are important. Just because you assume you want to be a writer someday does not mean math is unimportant. It not only lets you pass the college entrance test, but allows you to calculate your expected GPA, and balance a checkbook when you exit college. Fourth, and one of the most important: Do no be afraid to have fun. This is will be the best time of your life, and stressing over grades and assignments will not only bring down your performance, but your fun as well. Good luck, past-self!


Go to College!!! There is nothing more worth wild in life than to experience college life and earn a career to make your future. Keep focused on your final goals in life not what your doing for the moment. The choices you make right now will determine your financial future.


I would tell myself that College wasn't as hard as I thought it would be in the first place. College is totally different from high school, you can create your own schedule and you are paying for your education, so it's in your best interest to try your hardest. I would also add that College was more liberating than high school with the open schedules; I could pick all night classes and sleep in or work during the day. I would also remind myself to not get caught up in the partying crowd, because the only place they will end up is at the bar or in jail. I would tell myself to focus on making one good friend in each class, that way I could call/email them to study or just have a close friend to share the semester with, who knows, it might end up being a lifelong friend. I would remind myself not to get emotional and wrapped up in boys, and to remember to stick to a plan for education and my future and it will work itself out. Most importantly, I would remind myself that everything takes time and nobody is perfect.


If I were able go back in time and talk to myself I would definitely convince myself to do more research. I would research everything from the price of education to the quality of the education including student activities. I would also advise myself to ask as many questions as I can when I attend the school tour. I had a chance to visit my school twice and both times I wasn't really "wild" about it the way I was when they first contacted me. I decided to attend anyway and waisted about $28,000 ($9,500 in loans not including the interest). After my first semester went by I was miserable. Everything the school said that they had to offer was only half true. When school came to stop I had decided to attend a community college back home. Going to a community college was the best decision I had made that concerned my education. Even though it didn't have all the activities a university would have it was still great. I figured out that I wanted to pursue a Pharmacy career. If I could do it all over again I would definitely do more research.


Take your education very seriously; your grades are important. It may not seem important now, but it is. College will not always be fun, but remember to have fun when you can. Stick with it and you will reap the rewards of your hard work. Take advantage of the ability to devote your time to school. If you don't stick with college now, later on you will have to juggle a job, housework, classes, and homework. Most of all, remember that college isn't easy, but things that are worthwhile never are. You can do anything!