Colorado Mesa University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Colorado Mesa University? Why?


The same thing that's the worst in any school, which would be the pretentious attitude of young people in their post-adolescent intellectual phase. Once they get older that starts to smooth out, though. It can also be sort of difficult to make new friends if you aren't overtly social, but again, that's the case with a lot of new places.


It is a state college and they accept pretty much anybody so a lot of times you can be placed in a class that is completely below your knowledge level.


I think the worst thing is probably the parking. It's a small campus and there isn't much room for parking lots, but most people walk or ride their bikes to school when the weather's nice which eases it up.


The worst thing would be the limited parking space. It is hard to find a open space near the building you're going to. I have been forced to avoid the problem through riding a bicycle my first year.


The worst thing about my school are some of the employees in the business department. They can be very impatient and unhappy..


The wost part about my school is the community it is in. Grand Junction is not very welcoming to college co ed. In The summer it is fun to go float the river or hike on the Colorado National Monuement but the majoity of the school year is spent looking for something ,out side of academics, to do.


Dining hall food, and constant remodeling.




The worst thing about my school are the students because alot of them aren't so open to meeting new people and are " stuck in their own groups."


The worst thing about the school right now is all the construction that is going on.