Colorado School of Mines Top Questions

What should every freshman at Colorado School of Mines know before they start?


Go with your gut. Go to the school that you have your heart set on, you know yourself better then anyone else. Chosing the school that your parents want you to go to is a bad idea, its you attending it not your parents. Don't stress the little things, as long as you work hard and don't make any major mistakes the rest will work itself out. Don't go to college with a boyfriend, you have been given a chance to find out who you are, its hard to do that when you woory about what someone else will think of you. Do activities you have never done before with people you just met, don't worry about whether or not its fun. Make sure to quickly find the routine that works for you when it comes to studying and completeing the requirements for classes. Remember that you don't have to decide now what you want to be, just go with the flow and you will decide what you want to do. If you don't enjoy doing it in highschool more then likely you will not enjoy it in college, i.e phyics!


My advice to myself would be to keep organized. Organization is key to success. Also, I would tell myself to put homework and studying above eveything else. These two things must be done before taking part in social activities. Money is another key. Getting a job early and learning to save may have helped me in the long run. Other than the money problems (that every student has), I'm happy with my college experience so far. I'm not sure I would have changed a thing, just for fear that things would not have turned out as they have now. You should never regret what you've done in the past, just learn from the mistakes. Without making mistakes, how would you truly learn?


Dear Matthew, College is very different from what your thinking right now. You are imagining that because of how well you did in High School, and how easy it was that you will find the classes as college equally simple. This is not true. You will be spending hours trying to figure out just one solutiontion to a problem, just to have the proffesor do the problem in five minutes during the next class period. In AP Chemistry last year, you experianced some of this, only that was one class. In college, all of you classes will be that difficult, that time demanding, and that exciting. You will learn more in you first year than you are thinking you will in all four years. Get to know people before you get to campus as well. Make a real effort to form the group of friends that will help you study, and always look to any upper classmen in your dorm. They will be the ones who can help you more than any other individual on campus. Matthew, the best years are ahaid of you. Get scholarship, do well, don't stress as much. Sincerely, ~Matt


My advice to parents in helping make the college decision would be to ask their child questions about what they might want to do with the rest of their lives, if they are unsure then suggest schools that offer broader areas of study. I highly suggest not making the decision for your children, and do not second guess their choice if they truly want to attend a certain college. Once they are at school, let them know you miss them but also encourage them to make new friends and really get involved on campus. As for students, I would say you want to live on campus for at least your freshman year if you have the choice to live at home or off campus. Once you're at school, make the most of the experience. Make new friends and take advantage of the different extracurriculars offered. Also, you're paying a lot to go to school so dont skip classes just because you can. Study hard so you don't have to retake any classes. Its hard, but find a good balance between fun and studying and you'll have a great time!


When deciding on a campus it is important to choose on that has a major that you are interested in. If you are unsure, or have doubts about what you want to do, choose a univeristy that has a range of majors to choose from in case the one you had in mind doesnt work out. It is also important to visit the campus' that you are considering. Seeing it in real life is completly different than browsing through photograhs. If you are able to, try and visit while there shool is in session, it will give you a better feel of how the campus runs and how life is while they are in class and also on breaks. Location is another important aspect, you have to consider the distance you want to be from home (and dont right away say "as far as possible"). Choosing a far distance right off the bat might make for a hard adjustment to living on your own and could affect your academics. If you are going to play sports try and talk to members of the team and get an honest opinion of the coach, and also have them answer any other questions.


Choosing the right college is very important, as it is a huge factor in the happiness and success of the student. When deciding between colleges, i found it helpful to visit each campus. They may all seem very similar, but picking up on the overall mood of the students can help with the decicsion. Communicating with a current student can also make the choice easier as they will tell you more about campus life than any administrator. Once the college is chosen, getting the most out of the experience is also omportant. I have found that the secret to accomplishing this is balance. Without parental influence, the student is able to decide how to spend his/her time. Finding a balcne betwween studying and socializing is vital to being successful. In addition, joining clubs and intramural sports can gelp with finding freinds and providing a release. All in all, college can be a great experience, however, care must to be taken to make sure that this time is not wasted.


Spend a lot of time looking at all the options available to you for each of the colleges that you are interested in, including courses of study offered, student activity groups, sports programs, and student demographics. Make a decision based on what school best fits the interest that you already have. Don't worry if you don't know what you want to major in! Most people don't and you still have plenty of time to decide. Have the finances well planned in advance so you don't have to worry about paying for schooling. Instead you can enjoy the college experience and you only have to worry about everyday things and how well you are doing in your classes. Never be the loner! Join a student organization or club. Being a part of an organization or club helps you stay connected to your school and the world outside of your schoolwork. Plus there is probably at least one person in that organization or club that has the same classes that you are taking so you can study together. And it never hurts to have lots of friends on campus!


Finding the "right" college isn't as important as most think it is. Yes the size of the school or it's location are important, but as long as the school a student chooses to attend has majors that they feel interested in, they will find people with similar interests as them. Choosing a college is not as important as putting yourself out there when the time comes to get to know future friends and current professors. Making the most of a college experience is as simple as showing who you really are to the people around you and making friends with those who like that person. College is a place that students gain knowledge for their career preference and knowledge about their own desires, values, and goals. Making the most of college isn't about choosing the right one, it's about finding yourself by helping others find themselves.


Dont go to a school just because other people think its best for you, go to a school that you will appreciate where your going and will enjoy living there for 4 years of your precious early life.


Take a deep breath, because college is a whole different world than what you are used to. So strap yourself in and take full advantage of your college experience.