Do research about the schools you are checking out, don't go to a school just because of friends or parents, be ready to commit to a school for all 4 years.
Be friendly, be open to new things and ways of thinking. Don't close your dorm door, put your self out there to meet people.
Visit as many schools as possible - you won't know until you actually see the campus. If you have a friend who attends a school, try to go to a couple of classes with your friend to get a feel for the class sizes and professors. Do as much research as possible, and really look into yourself to decide if you want big or small, urban or rural.
Realize that when you choose a college, you also choose a location and a culture. If you can't live without skiing, then you probably shouldn't go to UT, even if you are the biggest Longhorns fan in the country. If you need your D-I football and school spirit, make sure you look for it at every school you visit.
Finding the right school takes time - devote at least a couple of years to do the search right. Transferring is a huge hassle, so don't go into the search with the attitude that a college choice could be temporary. Try to do it right the first time, and not waste credits that might not transfer and tons of lost tuition.
Do your research. Don't be afraid to visit schools that you know little about. just because a school is small, or not well known, doesn't mean that it's not the right school for you. Also, don't attend college for the atmosphere, because it may be fun for four years, but you may end up regretting later on down the road. Really look into the programs that interest you.
look into many different schools and work hard
To the students out there. Do not go to college becuase society says you should. Taking on the debt of college should be something that you want, for a reason that you want. There is no shame in changing your major several times or spending extra years in college. However, you will spend many years paying off the debt, so please be sure that you choose to spend the money on a career that you will enjoy working for a long period of time! If you have to wait a few years to save some money or figure out what you are interested in, do it! The societal view that college is just what comes after high school should be throughly evaluated. College is a major financial comittment and many young people are easily persuaded. The best approach is to have a good idea what you want before you dive in and face the many decisions, insecurities, and distractions that make college so exciting.
I would tell students to make sure that they like to work hard to be able to get something rewarding in the end. If you are not ready to work hard do not expect the school name to get you any where. I would find the college that has the major you want, it is the highest percentage of why students change schools. Try and go to a school where you can have fun and still work hard.
Make sure you visit the college and attend some classes before choosing. Talk to the administration, some faculty, and students. Do the research to know exactly what kind of college it is. Don't be afraid to choose because if it doesn't work out, you can transfer to another school. If you can, shadow a student a couple of times. To make the most of the college eperience, be active. Get involved in school activities and clubs. That way you can make friends. Chances are, there is some club that interests you. Make sure you balance school with your social life. You don't want to fail out of school but you also don't want to be stick in your room all the time. Make sure your have some kind of outlet to the stresses of school and have fun. Your college experience will be much better for it.
visit many colleges before your decision.
afer the first year, you aren't happy then transfer to a place where you will be
Students, it's ok to not have the right choice right away. Its ok to change your major. Do what you want to do, after all it' your life now, not your parents.
Parents, this is your childs future. Let them come to you if they have questions or if they want advice. This is their choice, not yours, let them chose; not you.
Find a college where you can really imagine yourself finding friends and enjoying yourself. But if after the first year it doesn't work out, no stress, you can just transfer.