Most of my professors recognize my face, and for the most part my name once i reintroduce myself- i usually make it a habit to see each professor at the beginning of the semester so that if i ever have any problems they will recognize me. Class participation is somewhat common, its pretty intimidating to ask questions and share things in huge lecture halls but you get over it. My Insect Science and Society class was my most unique class for sure- it was so much fun and the professor was really knowledgable and interesting.
My favorite class is Appreciation of Design. My least favorite was composition. Students study quite a bit they always study more when they have tests and essays of course. Class participation is common in the smaller classes but not at all in the larger lectures. I'm sure that some CSU students have intellectual conversations outside of class, but I don't with my friends thats our time to forget about class and have fun. Yes, you will always have students that are competitive. The most unique class is Appreciation of Design. My major Fashion Merchandising which is in the Apparel and Merchandising department. I have gone to see a few of my professors but i don't usually spend time with them. I feel that for the most part the academic requirements are good. The education is geared more towards getting a job but they also make you learn for it's own sake.
I love my english class. Its nice and small. I like that my teacher knows me by name and im not just some student in a class with many faces. I feel like i need to go to that class because my teacher will know when im not there unlike other lager classes. He makes the class fun and interacts with us on a adult bases. He wants our feed back on everything we do. This makes me feel like my opinion in the class is very important and valued.
My professors are intelligent and concerned about our academics. Very accessible and helpful during office hours. Thought-provoking discussion or even lecture make many of my classes a pleasure to go to. Of course not all classes are like this, but I seem to have many more good/excellent experiences than negative ones.
I do think any professors know my name, except one small class. My favorite classes are the ones that actually relate to my major. I enjoy my major very much and I feel my department is a great and really helps with all students and looks out for the students. I feel the academic requirements are there to make sure students try the best they can and to reach their maximum potential.
My favorite class was with peter newman and he taught about parks and protected area management
I like the way the scheduling is set up. Classes arent very long. I also like the classes where my professor knows my name. It give me a feeling like I should be there and I belong.
Professors try to know your name, but they expect you to put in the effort in the larger classes. Larger classses are easy to ditch but alot of professors try to discourage that by offering extra credit or some insentive to go to class. Class participation is common, its good in smaller classes, but just anoying in the large classes. You get out of it what you put into it. There are tons of intellectual conversations outside of class, its a matter of if you choose to participate in them. My major is Social Work, I am new to the department, but so far it seems great, all of the professors have a strong passion for the feild and its great to see! CSU's academic requirements are good, they are selective but not too much, it is a higher education and I would only expect them to have some standards. The first two years are geared toward learning, it kinda weeds out the people who arent serious, but after that it is geared toward getting a job and prepairing you for where you want to be.
Students, epecially freshman, don't study enough. So far in my experiences I have come to realize that CSU's requirements to get in really don't have that much of an effect on how well freshman students do their first year. Because high school is easy and at some schools it is VERY easy to do well and to get a high GPA. And now these kids who have slid through highschool are living in the dorms with easy access to alcohol and parties. And they feel like they just don't need to study because they never really had had to try hard in high school. And that's why so many students drop out their freshman year.
You can make your experience with your professor any which way - you can not go talk to them outside of class or you can go talk to them any time outside of class. CSU professors are really good about having office hours or finding a time to help you. The professors here just want to help you which is awesome.