Colorado State University-Fort Collins Top Questions

What are the academics like at Colorado State University-Fort Collins?


Class participation not common. There are more intellectual conversations taking place outside of class rather than inside class.


The big lecture classes can be a bit intimidating and seeming worthless to attend when you enter college. There are soooo many students and attendance is rarely taken, making it easy to skip class and get the notes off line. Once you move on from the required core classes, the class size significantly shrinks. There are more interactions between students and professors and students, and between students. More group assignments are assigned and the expectations to do well are much higher. Most of the colleges are pretty competitive, especially in Business and also in Science and Engineering. Professors are easily accessible outside of class and they want you to attend their office hours with questions.


Professors do not know my name but that is because my classes are so large, it wouldn't be possible for them too. One of my favorite classes was my Pop Culture class. It was really interesting to analyze different events and see how they have brought us to where we are today. My lease favorite class was Physics, I had a terrible teacher who did not teach material and was not available to help you outside of class. I would say that most students study at least twice a week. I study pretty much everyday and I usually have at least one exam a week. I put my time into other homework and studying for other upcoming quizes and tests as well. Depending on the class, participation is common. If you have a smaller class a lot of people will participate, even in my larger lectures there are always those couple of people who make comments and ask questions all the time- but class participation is not required. Not every student has intellectual converstaions outside of class, but just like any other college or university some of the students do or will engage in an intellecutual conversations outside of class. I am a Human Development and Family Studies major with an Early Childhood Education Degree and a minor in Business. I really like the business college, they are organized and professional. Their advisors are easy to work with, available, and very helpful. Unfortunately, I found the many of the classes and professors to be boring and below expectations. I have never spent time with a professor outside of class. CSU's academic requirements are pretty even with most schools- they want you to have a good base of classes and then a very focused major. Based on the business college and how their classes work, I would say that the education at CSU is definitely geared towards getting a job.


My favorite class this year was plants and civilizations. I got to think outside my required major classes (business) and learn about something entirely different. I find it very interesting to learn about the foods and plants we interact with and eat everyday.


Professors at CSU, primarily in the College of Business, are great. I have had a great experience with nearly every class I've taken. There's one CIS class that is absolutely terrible and has been for a long time, but the college is making changes and revamping the course, and it's teachers. My favorite and most unique class is one I'm currently taking, called Negotiations and Conflict Management. The entire class is based off negotiations that we will all have to be involved with sooner or later in our lives. For example, negotiating a job salary, buying a car, buying a house, etc. Students study fairly often, average with other universities. There's always been a good balance between class studies and enjoying college life. Academics at CSU are very much career oriented. Professors always have in mind that we will be looking for jobs in the near future and that practical application is vital. My marketing classes have given me a great sense of what a real career would be like in the various fields of marketing.


There is a wide range of different colleges to choose from with many concentrations as well. There are also many great professors on campus and I have been lucky enough to have taken a few classes with some of the best.


My favorate class is speech class. I attend all of my class regularly. I would say no we don't unless it is for a project in class. I took clothing, adornment, and human behavior.


As a freshman at CSU out of 6 classes in my first semester 5 of 6 had 40 people or less. I was really impressed by this at a university of this size. Class participation has been excellent for the most part, except in one of my classes where the professor is particularly boring and teaches straight from the textbook. The library is always filled with lots of people who are busy studying - I think students here are generally pretty focused and have a good balance between work and play. In my business major, the classes are relativaly small and the professors do make an effort to get to know students and to be friendly and approachable. They have encouraged us, as freshmen, not to be afraid to use campus resources, or think that we should not start using the career center until we are juniors - no they encourage us to use all the resources starting now, so that we get the maximum benefits.


In my larger classes my professors do not know my name. Class participation is some times seen in class, mostly in the form of questions. Students are usually pretty calm in class, just taking notes or asking questions. My major is Natural Resource Tourism.


While attending UW, I found that students studied there and it was a big deal...we are, after all, attending college. However, at CSU, it seems different...people are ALWAYS studying. It is extremely easy to find someone to go to the library with. I feel like contacting professors is extremely easy to do. Every teacher I have encountered here at CSU has been more than happy to accomadate and answer questions. I have never had trouble with any professor of faculty memeber!