Colorado State University-Fort Collins Top Questions

What should every freshman at Colorado State University-Fort Collins know before they start?


Before this school I was extremely pessimistic about society. I viewed humanity as a negative biological entity, a creature on this planet that has quite literally taken over. However, after my classes and incredible on campus internship, I have learned a new meaning to conservation. Community based conservation is the only future for our planet. Bringing together research, community values, policy, economics and more is prudent for the future of conservation. Colorado State has opened my mind to a new light that has caused an overwhelming amount of ambition and optimism to swell within me. I've learned the true meaning to sustainability, and have come to realize that humanity is not a negative entity; we are simply a system that has gone out of balance. In the end it comes down to the ability to sustain both our natural and human world in one system, and in the end it comes down to places like Colorado State who inspire us all to look for new faces of change.


I believe that the key to a good college education is making mistakes and going the wrong way. What I mean by that is not literally making mistakes in the fact that you fail classes, but taking a broad range of classes - even some that you may not like or some that dont apply to your major directly. Many times, students overlook classes out of thier program because they want to get done as soon as possible and move on with thier lives. Most of the time, classes (ie. humanities classes) that sound interesting to students but are overlooked are some of the most beneficial! Humanities classes and classes outside of your major allow for you to make connections between your major and another while stretching your imagination and challening your mind outside of its normal realm. These college experiences are what set you apart from other students and graduates. Getting a broad education even if it takes slightly longer is the key to a good education and successful future in the workforce.


I have recieved valuable real world experiences by attending Colorado State University. I am now able to live and succeeed on my own, I live by myself and I am thriving. Attending college has helped with my decsion making skills as well as academic. I am better at test taking and speaking in public. Since attending college I have become more confident in who I am and my goals in life. College has helped me discover who I am and who I want to be. After living in such a welcoming, helpful community I have aspired to help others as well. I have learned that I am passionate about helping people, especially children. I am attending college so that one day I can help children with autsim. College has brought me many new friends and life changing experiences that have shaped me into a greater more determined human being.


I care more about my personal interactions with poeple. I find I have become a more tolerant person. One who is willing to listen and learn and not be focused on my own opinions/beliefs. I am more open to what is happening around me, not just academically, but world-wise. Intellectually, I have found this lifelong learner within myself. Challenging myself and delving into issues I never thought I would be interested in. My friends are as diverse as the world around me. I am learning, not just textbook facts, but how to live my life in a way that will benefit the people around me, the environment around me, and my own personal growth as a human being. All my experiences are changing me for the better and preparing me for my life as a contributor to society around me. College has made me a more well rounded person and a better person.


I've learned how to manipulate where a person looks on a composition, how to use negative space well, how to look for shades and highlights to successfully capture an image and put it on paper, and how to become more free and open with my written words. I have become more used to driving, how to keep a schedule, and how to socialize more easily with others. Learning how to express myself more thoroughly has been valuable, and although all the skills I have acquired so far still need honing... everything contributes to my dream of becoming an animator.


I have always known that I will go to college; I just haven't always been so sure what I would want to study. When I finally got to college I knew that I was where I needed to be before I started my own life. Along with learning a lot about my chosen field of study, I have also learned a lot about myself and the world around me. Just thinking about being on my own for the first time made me reconsider going to another state for college. Once I arrived there, however, I realized that I would be able to take care of myself. My first semester I was taken to the emergency room for appendicitis, where I realized that I am capable of making major decisions on my own. The whole college experience has been very valuable to me, because in my opinion it has prepared me for the real world far more that high school. One major thing that attending college has taught me is that you can't expect more that you ask for. In college there are so many ways to get help with almost anything, you just have to ask someone.


I have gotten out of my college experience so far that it is not all about the academics. Sure, classes are important, and they are very important for me since my ultimate goal is to get into physical therapy school which is academiccally challenging. But college is about more than the classes, it's about making lifelong friends and learning how to make good decisions. It's about learning to juggle more things at once. It's about learning responsibility, discipline and integrity, in and out of the classroom. Mostly, it's about discovering who you are, who you want to be, and how you can get there.


i just recently started summer schoool at Tarrant County College, and my experience in this school is pretty great. I learned that without studying you won't succeed in school, but this school doesn't really make me feel like I'm in college, because it seems like I'm still in highschool, being undocumented is the only reason I am in this school, because going to a four-year school isn't in our budget, and our status is currently getting fixed, so with a little help I think I can get further rather than getting stuck in this two-year college.


I recently returned to school after getting married and having three wonderful children. Attending classes again has given me the confidence to continue with my passion in the Political Sciences. Receiving my BA will give me the boost I need when I decide to retun to the workforce. My previous college experience when I was much younger was nothing more than a social outlet. I made some really great friends that I am still in touch with but the actual real learning didn't start until the last year when I decided to go back to college for myself and not because it was what I suppose to do.


Being a good college student is not about how much money you spend to go to school. It is about the determination to do well and succeed. I believe that I am a great college student because I have been out of school for about three years, and realized how important a quality education is. Organized and driven, going back to school would be a life changing even for my future family and I. In January of 2008, my family suffered a financial hardship and I was unable to attend school. I spent my nights crying over this and now that I have the opportunity to go back to school, I feel truly blessed. I never really had the chance to have a college experience because my family was always worried about how we were going to pay for it.