I would tell myself to follow my heart. I would say that UCSB is not the school for me, and that college is a dramatic part of life and development, so choose wisely where you will spend the next four years. If it is out-of-state, don't let the money stop you, if that is where your heart belongs, follow it, it is never wrong. Also I would encourage myself to find a school with a successful program in which I want to study. Look at the long term future of that program and its successes and failures. Always investigate what you will be spending money and time on, don't just take their word for it, look up your own information. Last but not least, California will be California wherever you go, so if you want out, going 300 miles north is not exactly the smartest thing to do. Visit around the country and see the places which you would have never dreamed of going to, it might surprise you that you actually like them.
Very few people in college are the brilliant thinkers that you'd like them to be, but don't dwell on that. Someone does not need to understand more about the complexity of the universe than you in order to teach you something. You need to rethink your concept of an "open mind" so that it involves getting to know people whos lifestyles and points of view make you angrier than you can every remember being, and understanding the universe as they see it.
Breathe. Although the stress the college process creates is very large, just breathe. It will all be worth it once it's over and your diploma is in your hand. Appreciate the time you have left in high school because once you enter college, your world will change, it will change but for the better. The next stage of your life will fill you with new experiences that better you as a person. There are several things you should know though before entering the intimidating world of college. Be yourself. All the new people you're meeting will like you for who you are and you will feel much better about the transition if you are comfortable in the skin you are in and confident in the person you have grown to be. Next, get involved. I know that is such a trite saying and you hear it almost everyday by your college and high school counselors but it is one hundred percent accurate. Lastly, appreciate every moment in college because it goes by faster than you can imagine. And remember, breathe, it helps, I promise.
A university education is an essential part of a person pursuing their dreams. First, I would remind myself to start early with the application process, by the end of Junior year. Second, I would also remind myself to do Strong Interest Career Inventory and the Myers Briggs before making any official choices. I would then research all the financial aid options I have, and discuss them with my parents over the summer. The sky is the limit, as long as, you willing to deal with sleepless nights, hard work, and involvement. Don't waste your time while on campus, get involved with student groups and the surrounding community. When the pressure is to much, look above, a university education is a gift. Last but not least, each person is unique, they all have different paths. Keep the friends you make, because they will be saving grace. When you throw up your hat on graduation day, regardless of debt, you followed your dreams and never gave up.
Hello, Self! Don't look so stricken, you're not going crazy. You see, I've come back in time through that machine back there. Oh, put your eyes back into your head! I'm here to give you some advice. Now, as I recall it you are a high school senior. Heading to college soon eh? I advise you to pack early, I didn't pack until the very last minute and forgot some key things! Keep in mind the weather, don't bring winter clothes just yet, you'll be going to college in August not December! Also, contact your roommate beforehand, make sure you coordinate who is bringing what. Most importantly, STUDY! In high school we were a little lacking in the studying department, you can't get away with that in college my dear. Look over your syllabus and read your assigned chapter before going to class. If you are struggling, don't be afraid to visit your professor's office hours. Your future biology teacher will have some great advice on internships and careers. Despite the amount of studying you should put in, don't forget to relax and make friends. See ya, Self!
If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to get ready for the biggest shock of my life. I thought I had everything handled for my transition to college, but as it turns out, reality set in and I found I don't have everything together. So I would tell myself to expect change and to learn to accept it. I'd say it's ok to let go of the past in order to glimpse the future. Your old friends will always be a part of your life, but you can't meet new friends unless you live in the present and move on from the past. The trick is balance. Let go of the old to find new, but never forget the old for the new. Finally, I would tell myself that you don't have to know everything at once. You don't have to know your career goals. You just have to be willing to expand your mind for learning. The best tool is your mind, and it's best fuel is knowledge. Learn and have fun. Sooner or later, things will click into place, and your learning will become part of life.
I have learned somuch being in college so much that i wish i knew before i made the transition. Stuff like its nothing like high school you need to study or you will fail because hey test you on everything you learn and even some stuff you dont. I ould tell myself to sign up for more schollarships because the less money you have to worry about the easier life becomes because believe it or not money does run out. And lastly make some close friends that are moving up to college with you so when trouble arises they can be there to bail you out and talk you through anything or just simply be your study buddy so you dont fail those rediculous college tests. Overall i wish i knew a lot of the things i know now going int my second semester because if i did i probably would have done a lot better and life would be a whole lot less stressful
Don't have fear of not affording or being rejected by a schools. I applied to college, without parent support, not knowing how I would afford it or if I would be accepted for my less than average ACT scores. Luckily I received nearly full paid tuition and have minimum loans from a great university.
The advice I would tell myself is despite the struggles you have had in High School, going to College to further your education will provide you with the knowledge and the tools to be more successful in life than a High School education. I would also say to myself to stop making excuses because if you take time off from furthering your education now, you will make excuses to not go to College later on down the road or you will decide to go when you are 40 years old when it will be a little more difficult because you are still raising your children.
As a high school senior, I had adults surrounding me telling me everything I thought I needed to know about college. Because of all this advice, I decided I had it all figured out, that I was going to move to Colorado, make thousands of friends, party every night, and have the time of my life. I've only been there for four months, but I know that it hasn't been exactly like what any of those adults had told me it would be. I came to terms with the fact that college is my own personal experience, it's not as great as some told me and it's not has horrible as others said. This is my four years to grow into myself as a person and prepare for the rest of my life. I wish I could have told myself to take what others said in stride and just embrace the experience for myself. I've learned more the past four months than I ever did in high school. I wish I would have known to come in with a fresh mind, ready to take in all that would be put before me.