Colorado State University-Fort Collins Top Questions

What should every freshman at Colorado State University-Fort Collins know before they start?


If you feel that you will not be able to succeed at a four year school like Colorado State University, Stop. I was told by many people that I would never get in and that even if I did get in I would never succeed. But if you took a look at me now I have a higher GPA in collage then I did in High School. I am near the top of my class and qualify and gain acceptance to many academic teams. I was diagnosed with a small learning disability that makes it hard for me to retain information. I was told that it would make it too hard for me to better my education. I more then concurred this disability. I have a full-time job in the winter and summer in the career field of my choice and going to school-full time year round. I will graduatewith a Major in Construction Management and Minor in Business. I have a job lined up as a project manager with a General Contracting Company and plan on owning this company by twenty-six. Don?t fall short of your dreams because of what people tell you.


Pick a college/career path that is going to help the child get an applicable job in the real world, not what they think would be "neat".


Take the time to decide and find the college that best fits you. Do some research and ask around. Also, visit the campus! You can't know if it fits you, if you don't visit it. Also be prepared financially. You can be promised money and never actually recieve the help you need, so be prepared for financial curve balls.


I think finding the right college is being at a place where you are comfortable at that's the right distance away, but where it's just far enough but not too far. For me it is being away from my family starting to grow on my own and learning from my own experiences, yet it's not too far for me to make the drive home and visit my family every now and then. Once you are at that right college it's all about what you are willing to put into your own experience. Getting involved with clubs and making new friends has been the highlight for me, and the experiences I've had in these clubs and with these friends are ones that I'll always have. I think it is important for a student to apply themselves and stay on top of their work in the classroom, but the experiences one can have outside of the classroom can be priceless. One needs to find that balance of scholastic work and participation in student organizations and social events to have the full college experience.


Make sure you're in a setting that you'll be happy in and the learning will follow.


The best advice I could give to prospective students would be to "follow your heart." Choose a school that you see yourself at for the 4-years and will enjoy! Don't be afraid to try new things and step out of your comfort zone. College only happens once, everyone should make the best out of every situation. The best advice I could give to the parents would be to let your kids figure out what THEY need. I know it is hard when your kids go off to college, but they will enjoy the experience more if they do what they want and know that you are supporting them. There is the perfect school out there for everyone, it just takes some research to figure out which one is the BEST for you!


Finding the right college is a tough decision. If you know what type of school you want to attend, for example a 2-year school for an associates degree or a 4-year university for a bachelors degree, start there. Also keep in mind geographical region. I wanted to stay close to my family so I chose my home state of Colorado. If you narrow your search down, be sure to set up visits with the schools. If possible, attend one or two of the classes to get a feel for them and the campus life. In order to make the most of the college experience be sure to branch out and meet new people. Talk to people in classes; join clubs that interest you. If possible, live in the dormatories for a period of time. You will meet some great friends there. Taking interesting courses will allow you to stay on top of them. Focus on your academic career but don't forget to spend time with your friends and family. You will enjoy college as long as you have fun and remember that you are there to get an education. It's the best time of my life.


I would advise any Freshman student that any expectations you have may change as your time in the institution advances. Your goals as far as time you would take to graduate probably are going to change. You probably are going to attend college at least a year longer than anticipated in the beginning.


Choosing a college is a huge life-altering decision. I have encountered many people who have chosen the easy route for school, and stayed close to family and friends. I think the best decision I ever made was to move states away from what I called home. By doing so, I was able to establish a sense of self far away from the direct influence of any family or previous friends. While it is still very important to keep those we love close to our hearts, it is crucial to the creation of our own being to separate ourselves from what we know to be our comfort zones. In this way, we can establish and develop who we truely are at a time fit for discovering.


First, look for a location you will enjoy, either close to family and friends or as far away as they can get. Look for the major you want to do or if you are not sure then look for a college that offers a variety of majors so you can pick and choose. You also need to look into cost, scholarships, and finacial aid. If you are going into grduate school, I would recommend that your undergraduate be in the same place so that you get use to the area and the school.