Colorado State University-Fort Collins Top Questions

What should every freshman at Colorado State University-Fort Collins know before they start?


I has to go through a vary rigorus process when I was applying for other schalorships, but I will say this it has be well worth it. The money I have been able to get from other scholarships has been fantastic and I'm grateful for all I have gotten. My advices will probably sound very genaric but it's all true. Parent's stand by your children and Kids listen to your parents. I know I would not have gotten through all of this if I hadn't done that. Also, hang in there because it will all be worth it in the end. You will never invest in anything grater at this point in your life and I can promiss you that (unless of course if you have any kids of your own), but the truth is you should want this more than your parents. So support eachother and hang in there, because it will happen if you can perciver and you have all the integrity in the world. Luck doesn't do it, compassion does.


Find a College where your child can get the bes of all world so that their college experience will be great. Go somewhere that they could learn, make friends and have loads of fun at the same time. Be sure to have good time management with that also.


It's easier to find a school if you kinda know what you want to be when you graduate. I am from a completely different state and i choose a school based on the major I wanted and the surrounding area. I am a big outside person and pretty eco friendly. So a huge factor for me was, what the school and the town could offer me outside of studying.


College is a process. Intrests may change, passions may develop and life will happen. So in choosing the "right" college you may consider finding one that is flexible in developing and encouraging the process. To make the most of your experience, the best advice is to be an opportunist. Look behind every door and jump on opportunities that are opened up. Don't worry about the social aspects of college when applying, because you will find your niche. It is more important to look for a college that suits your interests, personality, and lifestyle while still being an environment that encourages growth and exploration of self.


College is what you make of it. Yes, one must study and make the grade you need in order to graduate, but at the same time one most also have fun and experience things. Go to a college that has a active student body and have things avaliable for you to do. Find a school with not only high remarks as far as academics, but one also with lots of things to do. This way you can have the best of both worlds. On your free time go to a party or a sport event or game. Go visit alot of colleges if you can. My little didn't care for school really, but after I toke him up to my campus one day, his whole aspect on what he thought school was changed. He now wants to go to college and experience it himself. There is a school out there for everyone. College is what you make of it. When you get there make the most of it. Meet people, have fun and when you get that degree at the end of them 4 or 5 years you will better equiped for the world than most people today.


Getting a good feel for the mindset of both students, faculty and administration are important. Running through a fast campus tour gives one a good idea of what the campus might look like, but taking time to get to know the students and understanding their attitudes towards classes, life on and off campus, and what they will do after graduation will be much more helpful. I was accepted to the school I thought to be my top choice, a public school with an out-of-state tuition at about $40,000. Instead I chose a cheaper in-state school with a solid program in my major. Looking back, I fit very well with my campus' culture, and don't regret choosing it over my expensive top choice one bit! In short: get to know the campus and the students there, if you can. That will dictate the quality of the next four to (hopefully not) seven years much more than a tour of the prettiest parts of the campus. One last thing: check out the school's reputation for dating and make sure it matches up with what you're looking for! I wish I had.


First, never force your child to go to school, this will just waste both of your time and money. Attending a university should be considered a priviledge and the best investment one can make for their career. Of course, not everybody needs to go to college to enter their chosen career. My father was a carpenter and had only work experience, but he was happy and made enough money to support his family. Unfortanetly, he passed away several years ago and did not save much. So I think its also good for parents to save money for their children's education... if they go! Luckily, if you don't have money, there are several programs that will facilitate your financial needs. A lack of money should never keep one from considering college.. one's resources are truly endless as we live through our lives! Happiness is key to success, so make sure you really enjoy what you are studying. Make sure to have some sort of plan when you graduate. I am off to medical school and a career in holistic, alternative, and energy healings and therapies, along with a strong neuro and physiological sense. Enjoy life, experience a worldofknowledge.


80o amount of money was ever going to make me happy. Happiness is not getting what you want, but wanting what you already have. Therefore, I say choose a school for its surroundings, social life, and overall good people.


My advice would go towards the students; study was interests you. Do not attend just any College or University, this is a investment in yourself and your future. Money may seem like the biggest obstacle now, but you cannot pay too much attention to the price tag. When your studying what your passionate about, it will all be worth it. The money will come, eventually. Make sure that you will be comfortable, get a hold of some enrolled students and hear their frank opinion on life at that college. The brochure might be shiny but it can sway from the truth. When you are trying to make the most of college, do not let academics bog you down too much! It is okay to dip in and out of clubs and activities, find something that you enjoy being apart of, good people and times will follow suite. Set boundaries, if your not comfortable with someone or some activity be sure to remember why. No one needs a gross amount of negativity in his or her life. Especially when they say these are the best years of you life!


Visit the school. Get a feel for it, ask people about it. Don't go in not knowing anything. Go to those free things offered on campus. Have fun, this is a once in a lifetime period. Don't take everything so seriously. Loosen up, and enjoy things. Even if a clas is hard, take a break from studying every once in a while. College is about academics, and you should really try your best, but it's also about figuring out who you are, and what you want to do. Explore everything, and have as much fun as you can! But don't forget you do still have to study.