Colorado State University-Fort Collins Top Questions

What should every freshman at Colorado State University-Fort Collins know before they start?


Everyone has their own needs and wants. Go with what you feel is the best direction for you; you can always change your mind if you realize you're more suited for another major. Nobody can say what's best for you except you, but remember at the end of the day, you're spending a load of money to get an education and a degree.


Someone once told me that if I find something that I love to do then I would never work a day in my life. I applied to Colorado State University in confidence that I would be able to find that passion in life and create a successful future for myself. I would tell people that any education will take you farther in life than those who don't decide to continue on with some sort of secondary education. I strongly feel that education matters. As to where to go though? I would say find a school that has some good programs that will help you succeed in whatever it is that you want to do. If you don't know what it is that you want to do for a career, then go to a school that will give you that general education and help you explore the various opportunities that are available. There is so much available to people nowadays and college will definitly help you succeed. But, there is no wrong choice for college! They all will help you be that person that you want to be.


Decide on what you want out of your college experience before you decide on a school. As hard as it may be keep your best interests in mind, and not those of your friends and family, though dont forget about them. When you get to college, dont take it for granted. Cherish every moment, even the really boring ones with just you and a few friends in a dorm room. These are the greatest and most trying times of your life. You're on your own now, dont mess up. And keep up your grades! You never want to start a semsester being behind.


Ideally, education would be organized in a manor such that all learning styles are effectively addressed. Such as the hands-on learners taking primarily laboratory courses and auditory learners take primarily lectures. But unfortunately, this is an idealized system which has not been proven effective in the university system. Schools tend to focus more on quantity rather than quality of education, therefore the lecture system is the primary delivery method. So, my advice is to find a University that offers a wide range of programs, in an area you would enjoy living for the next four years. If you enjoy your surroundings and have a sturdy social network, then really any school will suffice; and you will be able to bear the educational mediacracy instilled by the university system. Ultimately, your education is entirely dictated by what you want out of it, not what the school wants you to get out of it; hence, undergraduate school choice is not all that critical


Go where you want to go. Even if it's the most expensive school in the country! You'll enjoy your time there, your grades will be better and the experience will be that much more memorable. Financial aid isn't what made you want to go to college in the first place, so don't let it stop you from achieving great potential.


Visit the college before you make a decision! It will give you a feel for the school and an idea if the school is right for you. The little stuff about the college is what could make or break your decision to go to that school or not. Once you have picked the perfect college, your first year is for finding new friends and getting a feel for the school. Finding friends early helps with the entire college experience; the friends you make in college become some of your best and can help you out during the highs and lows of college. Also, joining a club will give you a different perspective of the university and you will meet people who have the same interests.


Look into what the schools biggest emphasizes are academically (art, science ext.) and what the program for your major has to offer. Also try to meet some of the students and staff at various schools and ask them what it?s like there academic and social wise? I would also explore the surrounding area of the campus and see if you could see yourself being happy in that town/city. It?s also very important to not only look at the cost of the school but the cost of average living there after you get out of campus housing (if that applies) just in case you decide you don?t want to stay living in the dorms. It might also be helpful to look into the clubs/extra curricular activities at the school to see what interests you, as this might be a good place to start social wise, not to mention look good on your resume.


Be prepared to change! Every college has a feel for it, and the only way to know if the vibe you get from the school fits you, is to go on campus tours. One will know right away, something just clicks. When it comes to getting the most out of that college experience, allow change to happen. Going out and participating in events is one of the easiest things to do to finding that path of who you are. Also taking courses that have always interests you, even if it has nothing to do with your major. Taking a foreign laugage class is also a good option for students. Not only is experiencing the difficulties of learning a new language worthwhile, but learning the cultural aspect as well will help you understand who you are more precisely. Finding oneself is the greatest experience of all!


Parents should have started a college fund and help their children with loan information.


Good atmosphere and energy with smaller classrooms is the best bet!