I have to go take a test online right now -so this can't be as heartfelt as I'd like. But really do research on what you want and where that is offered. Decide first what you want and THEN where to go. Don't pick based on popular names or reputation only. Do what you need to do to succeed and be happy. As to making the most of college - have fun. Be brave to meet people and get involved in things that interest you. Focus on your school, because, after all, that is why you are there. But have fun, too, and try things you've never dont before. Work hard + play hard = succeed.
Talk to people who have been through the program in which you are interested. Advisors and professors will more often than not give you a juiced-up version of their department and programs, but people who have been there and gone through certain programs for years have a better view of how a school and its programs run.
I would highly recommend working during college. Not only does it provide you with some extra cash, but it is so easy to make new friends in a work environment. Almost all of the friends that I keep in touch with today are from where I work or where I used to work.
Remember that drinking isn't everything. There is much more to do with your valuable time. Don't waste it getting wasted.
I would say get involved in extracurricular activities and make a point of meeting and hanging out with people in your classes. Go to a university thats strengths and pride are in the department youre interested in.
My advice to all parents, begin early and be thoughtful in the selection of the college. The right college will make all the difference in your child's experience and pending success. Spend time at the college during school hours, talk candidly with students and professors, read reports about the college's ranking in your child's area of interest and ask about parking/living/rising tuition costs before your child enrolls. If you do these things, your child will be most closely fitted to a college that will meet his/her needs academically, financially and socially.
Finances might not be the most important determinant, but don't kid yourself into believing that the out-of-state tuition won't come with a high price tag. Remember, some students are receiving the same education for a fraction of the cost! Don't assume your child will be able to handle frat parties without your guidance; take this into consideration while planning how far away your child should go. Even if the school is ranked highest in your child's major, that one factor might not be enough to make that school the best for your child.
Don't let school bankrupt you, but go to school!
Advice I would give would be to always visit each campus to see if the campus has the "right" feel for a student. There were a couple of colleges that I thought were wonderful but then I visited the campuses and I decided right then and there that the college was not a great fit. Once at college, the best thing to do would be to get connected to campus organizations. Once connected, one will have a greater sense of community to that college and will be happier in the long run because they are constantly doing things and not being singularly focused on academics. Academics are important but so are getting connected to the community.
To parents and students looking for the right college, I would tell them that the process is much like dating. Before choosing the college that is the one, it is important to see other colleges and know what is out there. Like people, universities are diverse: big, small, academically focused, very social, etc. Getting to know four or five colleges minimum before choosing the one is essential in making the best decision. Once students say, ?I do?, to the college that has what they want, it is important for students to fully commit and get as involved as possible. To really enjoy the college experience, a student must really develop a comfortable relationship with their university. The student should get to know how the college is available to them academically, socially, physically, and mentally. Students should also bear in mind that if they realize the college they have chosen turns out to be the wrong match, it is okay to ?divorce? and transfer to another institution. As a final note, I would remind parents and students that parents should act only as a guide and advise their students during the ?dating? process; not actually do the ?dating? themselves.
Many students graduate high school not knowing their full potential. They are often lost in a state of confusion, rambling to find any answer to their life questions. Most of us are scared to go through this tough experience; however, my advice to future students is to grab that confusion and run with it as long as you can. That is what college is all about! I came to college knowing what I wanted to study, yet my career choice within that degree changed many times. Most students change their majors often because they are still confused. Find the college that fits with who you are and who you want to become. If you want to be an artist, go to the best artistic school there is. Make the most of your college career by not holding back on any decision. Don't let your family or your finances stop you from going where you want to go most. They will always support you in the end, and sometimes, you need to move away to realize what it is that you really want to do. Never look back and never have any fear.
My suggestion would be that prospective students come and visit the campus; to get a feel for the attitude. Visit the library and the student center and see what the students and faculty are really about. Check out some of the extracurricular activities available and notice in what direction they seem to be going. If those all add up to the students own personality and interest the campus will feel much more like home when the attend and there is a higher chance of them feeling content with the workload we all have to deal with at the university level. Acedemics should play an even larger role in the decision making process. Prospective students should look not only at the overall acedemic community but especially in the major they choose, knowing that over the next four years that community will be a second home.