Colorado State University-Fort Collins Top Questions

What should every freshman at Colorado State University-Fort Collins know before they start?


Finding the perfect university isn?t just about looking at the average GPA of the students or the amount of money that is spent on research. Those things might be important to some, but it is hard to quantify a college experience. My advice is to visit the colleges; walk around and get a feel for them. Many students say they know what college they want to attend until they see it for themselves. Try to find a place that ?just fits?; you?ll know it when you feel it. Also, talk to actual students and not to people who get paid to make the university seem appealing. Ask the students what they like about going there. Ask them what they don?t like. Try to find out if this school is going to set you up for future success and at the same time foster your growth as an individual. Every college experience is different, but there are ways to make the best of it. Get to know your professors, balance your time wisely, and make sure you are doing things you love. Follow this advice, and it is sure to be the best four years of your life.


My advice would be to apply to a variety of school that meet your academic and social needs. I choose Colorado State University without ever visiting the campus before. This was my second round of college admissions though. I took two years off after high school before starting at CSU. I visited six or so different campuses before graduating high school. It helped to get a feel for different campuses and to talk to current students. I knew someone who was attending CSU and gave me a good recommendation of the college and surrounding area. I love being outdoors so this is a great place for me. There is plenty of hiking and skiing so I knew I would be happy, especially since I wasn't sure which major I wanted. I advise choosing a place where you are comfortable and will be happy living there for four years. Academics are important, but they are not the only aspect of college life.


I think that every student needs to really look into what they want in a univeristy and what they feel would make the best fit for them. I chose my school based on the class size, the programs offered for my major, and the amount of school spirit. I also thnk it is important to look into the political views of the univeristy and the amount of diversity. It is easier to make friends when you are around people who have similiar interests and share the same values as you do.


Don't settle. Find the right school that fits your needs. From majors offered to class sizes to price. Make sure you will be happy because that is the most important part. Going through four years or more of college if you are unhappy will be miserable. Lifelong friends are made in college and will probably be the best years of your life!


Make sure to enjoy the major you choose and take in as much information as possible! Because when you graduate you are going to be wishing you could keep on learning!!! So make the most of your experience!


Don't pressure your kids to much, and let them be themselves.


I would have to say to the sutdents that finding the right college is truly a process and don't think that if you don't get your frist chocie that your second or even third chocie is not right for you. Things always some reason always seem to make sense later in life, I know it did for me. To the parents I would like to say; allow your children to get what they need done, done and always be there for them when they don't know which way is up or down. I know if it wasn't for my parents (who are divorced) sticking by my side I probably would not have gone to college, oor for that matter continue to stay in college and continue to strive for what I have always wanted and that is a college education. I encourage every student and parent that it will have and to continue to strive for you all want because it truly is yours' for the taking.


I would suggest spending some time looking into careers that might interest you while you are in high school. Volunteer for companies or organizations that are involved in the fields that you find exciting. After you have done that, then you can look into schools that have good programs in fields you want to explore. Don't hesitate to apply to schools that have high admissions standards. Aiming high never hurt anyone. At the same time, look for a school in a community you enjoy and that fits well with your values, because that can make all the difference. When you are in college, don't let academics alone rule your life. You should get involved in your school's clubs and organizations. This will help you form strong friendships and build good relationships with students and professors. Try to make the most of the opportunities college will offer you. Take classes that intrest you in addition to the classes that are required. College is about trying new things, meeting new people, and bettering yourself and others by sharing knowledge and experience. Good luck.


My advice to any parent and/or student about finding the right coollege is to choose a place where you really feel comfortable. Visit the campus and get a feel for it, if you feel out of place just visiting the campus then it probably is not the right place for you. I remember coming to CSU for the first time and the second I got out of the car I knew that it was the school I wanted to be at. Aside from visiting a campus for a day, see if you can shadow some of the classes that are in your interested major; while living on and off campus and participating in non-academic activities is a huge part of the college experience so is your academic career. If you do not like the teachers that are teaching your field of discipline how do you expect to enjoy your stay at the school. So remember, where do you feel most comfortable and does the school offer you what you want/need to persue your future career.


if you're not sure of the major you want to pursue, go undesided for a year or two. that way you can have time to pick a career path that is right for you while not waisting classes, time and money. Also, it is a good idea to get involved with a professor in their lab or in their research. this will give you some really great experience, help your understanding of class material and give you a great reference on your resume'. from the very beginning, get involved in jobs, internships or volunteer work that will further your career interests. Sororities and Frats are a waist of time and money and may even hurt your grades. Always make time to have some fun so you don't go crazy from studying too much. Work really hard for good grades, have good time-management skills and you will be successful. Pick a mojor that has a good job market.