i think that i would better perpare myself with harder material in highschool
If I could return to my high school senior self I would tell myself that I needed to let go of Texas, where I used to live and embrace the college experience to the full extent. The summer I left Texas my parents moved overseas and I came to college in Colorado. I felt a little alone and I relied too much on what could have been if I had stayed for college in Texas. Life would have been very different, but I wouldn't be as happy there as I am here. I am very career focused and Colorado State University has allowed me to begin following the possibility that I could become a Veterinarian. I have always wanted this and it is very important for me to realize this goal. Letting go of high school and those ties more readily would have allowed a much easier transition. I would have been much further in my volunteering and involvement if I had had the courage to be who I am now.
College can be a very bitter sweet experience, because you can never be entirely sure what you're getting yourself into until you're already in the middle of it. The most important thing you can do to make the transition easier on yourself is to make sure that you're following what you're passionate about. Whether that be your program, the location, or the people you're with, make sure that you hold on to what matters the most to you. Don't stop being who you are just because you're in a new place either. Stay involved in the kinds of activities you've always loved, because it will give you a great opportunity to meet people like yourself and it will help give you the confidence you need to live on your own. Taking care of yourself isn't only about avoiding the flu, it's also about developing your ability to push yourself to be the best you can be. This is YOUR future now, it's up to you to make it what you want. No one is stopping you from your goals, you just have to find your way to get there.
Be involved in as much as you can be and keep your head high while searching for your goals and things you wish to accomplish. It may be hard to balance studying and friends at times, but remember to prioritize and still have a little fun.
Don't be afraid to chase things that are a little bit different than what you are used to. Sometimes not sticking with what you recognize will take you on a better adventure.
I would tell both students and parents that choosing the right university is not based solely on the academic ratings of the school. You have to take into account the surrounding community, the layout of campus, the sports offered to play or watch, the environmental issues the university focuses on more than others and of course where you see yourself reaching the most success and growing academically but also spiritualy, mentally, physically...whatever the case may be. Oftentimes when looking for the right place to go to school the only thing looked at is the ratings of how academically strong the school is. However without taking into account all of the other factors that play a role in helping you grow throughout your time at school is where many go wrong. I chose CSU because of the enthusiasm they display towards being a "green" university, the feel of the town and the school, the different programs they offer to make my free time more productive but enjoyable as well and because of the willingness of the professors to give up their time to help in any means necessary.
Search for the best college for you, try and find as much financial aid as you can!
Always make sure you research the campus and academics provided through the school. Even if you're not sure of your major make sure there are a lot of various oportunites for you to find what you truly want to do. If you can, try and go with a friend, it helped me tons by having my high school best friend by my side. Alot of times the school and strangers can't provide you with that strength and support that a really good friend can. Don't room with them! only if you wan't your friendship to end. My best friend and I made sure we got seperate dorm rooms and it brought up closer, later after getting an apartment did we move in together. College can be the best experience ever, you just have to open your self up to new experiences. Just because others are partying hard and drinking doesn't mean you have to do the same to have fun. Most schools have awesome extracurriculars, you just have to really find them. Find your niche, and college won't be as scary as it seems.
Visit the campus, as well as the town. Try and talk to current students and people in the town to get a feel of the culture. Reserach the background of the school and look at it's strong areas.
There are so many opportunities available, and they are catered to every different kind of person ion the face of this earth. But you have to be willing to keep an open mind and work hard to re-search out the opportunities, most do not just land in you lap. When I began school, I was determined to stick with my close friends, and in the end I really feel that it was the wrong choice for me.
When I think about my college experience I find that most of my hardships could have been prevented by not being so determined to ?have it my way?. I find, in hind sight, that if I had really looked at my personality and needs as a student, I should have chosen, a smaller, more hand?s on university.
Most important, do not underestimate the importance of affordability. Going to school and working is hard and it takes a lot of time away from your classes. Re search which universities will pay you to be there! Give yourself some time to have some fun and enjoy your college experience!