Krystal the road to sucess will be extremely hard without a proper education. You may want to have fun and party now but life will soon set in. When you graduate go to college immediatley. You will still have time to have all the fun you can. Once you have your degree and have a career everything will fall into place. You will be able to own things and start a family. Things you will not be able to do without money. The econonmy will one day take a turn for the worst, and you don't want to be stuck anywhere. you need to go ahead and stabilize yourself now. Some people say don't put off tomorrow what you can do today. If you don't make the right choices now you wil find yourself in a rut in your future.
Dear DeAnna,
It is time to move again. No, not to another foster family, out on your own now, off to your first year of college. You made it girl, now keep going.
I thought I would give you some advice on what to pack. There is no need to over pack . Take what you need, what will be of most use to you.
Here is my list for you:
1. Pereserverence - you've overcome obstacles before, keep believing in yourself at school.
2. Pack all the good things you've learned from all the wonderful people you've met along the way. Anything negative
needs left behind. It's too heavy and ugly. You'll need the room for your determination.
3. Your heart - I know it's big but it's also very usefull. There might be others who will need you to share.
4. Pack your dreams, they will keep you working toward goals and any future ambitions you may have.
I know you will do well. I believe in you. There are a lot of people out there that love you, but remember, I was the first.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a senior I would of told myself to focus on the future. Too often we get caught up in our daily grind and we forget to look ahead at goals we have set. Each day we step forward in life our past becomes longer and opportunties are missed. Maybe this is knowledge only gained with experience but the future is not as short sighted as it seemed in high school.
I would say Margie, let's get motivated this is the biggest opportunity of your life and there are so many great colleges out there waiting for me to explore and get an education. Education is a terrible thing to wait on and to put on the back burner. Learn all you can and play later and take trips and long vacations later in life. College is something you need to pursue now and tell all of my friends to get started and get focused because we are the future and we can make a difference in the world. Here in America we have a chance and with an education we can travel to some of the finest countries in the world to follow our dreams. Friends you will meet along the way but lets not forget to aim for a degree and not get lost with friends staying out late and drinking your semester away, make the grades, make a difference and become the best at what you choose in life and teach others to strive and stay focused and get motivated and get high off of college life and feed your brain with some of the best knowledge.
If I could go back to myself in high school and know what I know now; I would tell myself to buckle down and got to college after high school. You have to grade and you need to do something good with your life. It is very hard to return to college after you have been out of high school for a few years.
The best advice would be that if you or worried about fitting into college life that today college life comes in different ways to educate you. If can be on-site campus or online campus experience. Not all people can handle the load of on site campus studies due to other life committements, but there are educational advisor who can help find the best way for you to continue with your education and fit it to your current life schedule where everyone wins.
Take your classes seriously and do not procracinate. Take good notes and study. Become organized so that you can get your assignment done and handed in on time. Grades are important no matter what the class is, so try to get the best grades you can get. All classes are important because it prepares you for college and what it entailes, so do not take high school for granted.
The advise I would give myself would be to put the hard work into college right out of high school. Life goes by so fast and there are so many things that you have to worry about as an adult and having a good and stable career in place already would help you in so many aspects of your adult life.
Stay focused and realize that the choices you make in the next few years will affect the rest of your life. You are determining not only your financial future, but whether or not you will enjoy what you do to make a living. A very wise man once said,'Find something you like doing, figure out how to make money at it and you'll never work another day in your life.' You may only have one shot at this, don't blow it. As for your financial future, I can only say too words about the financial struggles you will face without an education or some type of training....IT SUCKS!
Get to college as soon as possible, and instead of the associates degree, I would have considered the bachelors degree so that I could have graduated when the economy got better instead of graduating at it's worst.