Columbia College-Columbia, MO Top Questions

Describe the students at Columbia College-Columbia, MO.


fun, and informative


My classmates are typical in a good way, there aren't too many extremely preppy rude ones, and there aren't too many ultra-smart geeky ones that make me feel inferior, my experience working with them has been excellent every time and I would recommend Columbia College to any student, the students there really make the college, it has a laid back feel but at times is the funnest place you've ever been, and when you feel all alone and you really need help, there is always someone around the corner willing to give a helping hand.


Just born into the work force or experienced with many years behind you, from Spain, Jordon, or United States, we are all here to succeed in acheiving our goals together at Columbia College.


To describe my friends is so fun. I have a melting pot of loved ones, and I really mean this. All of my friends come from many walks of life. I have African Americans who keep checked in with my sisterhood. I have Caucasians who don't mind receiving and complimenting me on whatever. I have my Latino's who always keep me with a little flavor in every thing they say and do. I find great comfort in the girls from Germany, India, and my Greek goddesses. We are friends and they bring my life to a full circle. .


I have only been able to take one in seat class and I enjoyed it. There were young students in there who were in their early 20s and there were students who were in their 50's. Very diverse age wise, ethically, regliously, etc. I love learning from a diverse enviornment.


Pretty awesome!


I dont see my classmates I can only talk to them online. I attend Columbia College online so when I do speak with my classmates its only to respond to assignments given to us.


We have a variety of students of all age ranges, and all parts of their lives.


My classmates are fun and they listen to what you have to say and they help you when you need help.


My classmates are hard working and eager to learn and help others.