I would tell myself that college is affordable and versatile. I would tell myself this is an experience like no other, even though I had a lot of problems during my youth, the confidence I have now since I can attend college is immeasurable. Self discipline is a must. It's not just a few more years of school, the learning environment is so diferent, and so much more open to creativity. Even in the general study classes the individual expressionism is amazing. My thoughts and life experiences are important in this class setting. It isn't just learning, it is learning at a higher level.
If I were able to go back in time and speak to myself as a high school senior, my message would be simple. Your college will be your lifeline. Be prepared for it to be your number one priority and be ready for life to throw you curves.
Many times you will feel unmotivated and distraught. The stress of finals, mid-terms, papers, and quizzes sometimes seems like it will never stop. Sometimes it's the hardest thing to do to make yourself read. However, you will find that the things you truly want in life (and yes! You WILL firgure it out, believe it or not), are fueled by your college experience and education. Take time to breathe. The adjustment can be a little much, even from class to class, but with the support of your loved ones and family, you will make it. Be determined for yourself and your goals and your dreams. Be strong for them. be strong for yourself. You will make it, and sometimes, you'll even enjoy it! :)
If I could go back in time I would tell my high school senior not to make the decsions I did. I would say STOP!!! Five years from now this is what you will being doing; you will be a mom to the most awesome child in the world, you will be married to some one that absolutely loves you and you will be a full time college student. So save yourself some heartache, time and money. Don't go down to SCAD though now you think it is a perfect college for you, you will leave soon because you will have ran out of money. Go to Columbia College, make some really great friends and become an art teacher because you know in your heart it's what you want to do. Also, encourage Joe to stay in school and still have Easton, your son because he will make everything worth it. Also, have fun and live life to the fullest everyday you will make it!
I would tell myself to take High School serioulsy and get good grades.
if I could go back and talk to myself as a senior in high school i would tell myself to speak out, have more self confidence and don't let anyone get to and study study study because high school test are not like college test and to make more friend in high school.
Research more schools, really pay attention to funding and scholarships and to be more responsible on loans . Reseach fields of studies .
Do more research!! There are so many programs and activities to help you through school. Apply apply and apply to scholarships and get involved with campus life, it helps you meet great people and gain financial assistance.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself several pieces of advice. First I would encourage myself to stay focused on the prize: a college degree. In explaining how focus works, I would say that the adage: "slow and steady wins the race" is absolutely true when committing yourself to remaining focused. Second, I would tell myself that it doesn't matter if your major changes or if you have to reduce your class load from time to time, just hang in there and CONTINUE. Next I would tell myself to not allow poor decision making to keep you off course. Bad decisions can take you in the wrong direction so remember: you may stray from your plan, but the quicker you can overcome any bad decision the better it is in the long run. The last thing I would tell myself is to make the most out of college life and especially campus life. Those years can never be recaputured, nor recreated. The memories will last a lifetime.
I would tell myself that college is a lot more important than I realized. It's something that will affect the rest of your life. Instead of barely getting by on a $20,000 a year job that you've spent the last 25 years at, you could have so much more. Friends and fun are important too, but not nearly as important as that education. You will feel so much better about yourself if you will just take the time to study and do your homework and earn your play time. Go to school and be involved. Make the right kind of friends. The friends that will study and help you study and not just party all the time. I'm not saying you can't have a good time, just earn that good time. Learn from your mistakes and make the next day better. Believe me, school is a lot harder when you finally have the time to go back after you've raised your kids, and you will have kids, and a full time job. Be who you were raised to be and you'll do fine. Believe in yourself!
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to pay better attention in class and to take notes on everything the instructor is saying. I would tell myself to do all of the assigned homework, and to read ahead in the book so I could have a small advantage at the next days lecture. I would tell myself that college is a fun and rewarding experience, and I would tell myself not to wait to start, but to go to college immediately after completing high school. I would tell myself to go ahead and reach for what I want, and don't let anyone crush those dreams or desires. Going to college is definitely a unique experience that changes your life forever.